Home Health Organic Baby Formula vs. Non-Organic – Know The Difference Between Them

Organic Baby Formula vs. Non-Organic – Know The Difference Between Them


It is impossible to find parents who do not want their children to be healthy. Pediatrics believe that breastmilk is the best food for a kid. However, not all mothers can keep breastfeeding because of various reasons. Some women prefer combined feeding. The challenging problem is choosing a good baby formula. What is the difference between organic and non-organic variants? Why do most baby-feeding experts suggest choosing European baby formula?

Organic Baby Formula vs. Non-Organic - Know The Difference Between Them

What Is Organic Baby Formula?

Healthy nutrition excludes unnatural food colorings, GMO ingredients, hormones, artificial flavors, thickeners, and stabilizers. Except for them, parents should avoid products that have the following components:

  • sugar because it affects the absorption of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B and calcium, and increases the level of phosphorus;
  • gluten because it affects digestion and absorption of nutrients;
  • phytin is dangerous because the infant’s organism can become unable to absorb vitamin D3, calcium, and iron and adequately develop the skeleton, skin, and blood system;
  • gliadin leads to stomach upset, bloating, and weight loss due to its negative impact on a newborn’s intestines;
  • GMO soy is taboo because it is still not well-researched, while organic soy nutrition is recommended for children who have an intolerance to other milk types;
  • palm oil is not healthy even for adults because it causes constipation, colic, and hard stools.

Most healthcare organizations warn that the above-listed products should not be included in a kid’s nutrition at least until one year of age. They cause severe neurological disorders and affect proper digestion even in adults, and an infant’s organism is much more vulnerable to these harmful substances.

What Ingredients Should Healthy Baby Food Contain?

What is the secret of healthy European baby formula? The most important ingredients must be natural and grown in accordance with healthy agricultural environments and farming. Besides, a nourishing formula includes prebiotics, probiotics, and vitamins. Parents should search for the following micronutrients on a pack:

  • omega 3
  • omega 6
  • calcium and phosphorus (ratio 2:1)
  • iron
  • manganese
  • zinc
  • iodine
  • copper

All these elements help the immune system resist viruses and infections better. Besides, proper nutrition prevents stomach breakdowns and hormonal imbalance, except for unfavorable health issues and inheritance. Moreover, there should be a required balance of fats, carbs, and proteins.

Except for the mentioned vitamins and minerals, the best 2022 organic formula also contains lactose, taurine, linoleic acid, casein or whey protein, and dextrin maltose.

What Are the Top Baby Formula Brands?

The best brands are organic and without artificial supplements. Jovie, Holle, Hipp, Lebens Wert Bio, Löwenzahn Organics, and Kendamil formula are choice #1 among parents who take care of their infant’s health. They develop appropriate formulas for different ages, for example, 0+, 6+, etc. Mothers can buy healthy cereals, porridge, pouches, and snacks to make a child nourished and happy. All these products are certified and meet European and international standards. The European formula is considered an ideal pattern because organic food is mandatory in the EU. So, it is credible.