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Warmington: Police try to identify abuser in shocking horse torture video

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Depraved and diabolical torture of horses, the mystery video features police and animal guardians searching for ruthless criminals.

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The brutal torture of this beautiful horse is so grotesque that you might not even want to read this column. It’s like the evil in Stephen King’s novels, but it’s believed to have happened just 90 minutes east of Toronto.

As first revealed by award-winning Northumberland journalist Pete Fisher today, OPP is investigating troubling cases of animal cruelty posted on YouTube. and discomfort.

“Good boy,” I hear a woman’s voice addressing the horse.

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In the second part of the undated video, the horse, back in its barn with its leg bandaged, stands next to several pools of blood while a woman gives a chilling commentary.

“Why are you late? Why, why, why?”

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She was also heard saying that it was “amazing” that the horse was “literally spurting blood”.

The whole thing is bloody.

Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County.
Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County. Youtube

OPP spokesperson Bill Dixon told the Toronto Sun that OPP and Animal Welfare Services launched an investigation into this egregious act of violence on November 3.

Police also want to check the welfare of the horses.

Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County.
Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County. Youtube

There are some clues in the video, such as the woman’s legs, hands, and feet being visible in the shot.She wears a watch with a black band and her shoes are Individual Pattern and pink socks.

If you know her, call OPP’s Northumberland detachment immediately.

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The horse community identified a local trainer as a suspect in an online report. However, there was no direct communication from police as to whether they had confirmed the woman’s identity or charged her.

I think this is a critical situation for this horse and potentially others. Intervention and rescue are needed immediately, along with serious criminal charges against those responsible for this heinous act.

Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County.
Investigators need help identifying a woman caught in an online video of horse abuse in Northumberland County. Youtube

In fact, it may be more sinister than horror author Stephen King’s story, but it happened in the county where the movie version of his novel was filmed. this. not like this, Proud to be hosted by locals, the horror video shocked and appalled the people of Northumberland, who pride themselves on being a world-renowned center in the horse world. I got

Northumberland is known for breeding, training and riding horses, but it’s also known for its kind care of horses. This video shows that in this case the high standards the region is known for were violated.


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Warmington: Police try to identify abuser in shocking horse torture video

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