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Raw eggs aren’t the only reason you shouldn’t eat cookie dough

Image from the article titled Why You Shouldn't Eat Cookie Dough Only Raw Eggs

All cookie dough is edible if you’re not a coward, but being a little coward can pay off. Getting sick, especially from food poisoning, is no fun. Quite rare.

Most people think eggs are the culprit, and sometimes they think eggs are the culprit (although it’s pretty rare), but no one expected flour to cause problems. . according to FDAit’s not salmonella should be concerned, Escherichia coli (for animal poop):

“Wheat flour comes from grain harvested directly from the field and is typically not treated to kill bacteria,” says senior adviser to the FDA’s Food Safety Administration and expert on microbiological safety of processed foods. One Dr. Leslie Smoot said: food. Therefore, when animals listen to the call of nature in the fields, bacteria from animal waste can contaminate grain, which is then harvested and milled into flour.

Common “pasteurization procedures” (so-called sterilization processes, to kill bacteria that cause infections) applied during the preparation and/or processing of food include boiling, baking, roasting, and microwaving. It can be cooked, fried, etc. But in raw dough, killstep is not used.

For some reason, some “edible” cookie dough recipes list raw flour as one of the ingredients, so this is important to know. I can’t tell you what to do with your body.

How to make really safe and edible cookie dough

Luckily, you can make really safe cookie dough just by pasteurizing your eggs and flour. Immersion circulatorPlace in a water bath set at 135℉ for 75 minutes before using in recipes as normal.

kill the potential Escherichia coli Bacteria in your flour, you You just need to nuke it. Place in a large microwave-safe bowl and microwave at 30-second intervals, stirring between each explosion, until it reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit instantly.read the thermometer. let cool, Then use as normal. (or bypass it all and use Use graham crackers insteadGraham crackers are notorious for being mouse-free. )

Raw eggs aren’t the only reason you shouldn’t eat cookie dough

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