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Rebel Wilson named his daughter after Queen Elizabeth

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Rebel Wilson’s daughter was named after Queen Elizabeth.

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The 42-year-old actress recently announced that she welcomed a baby girl through a surrogate, and Wilson explained the meaning of her daughter’s name, Lois Lillian.

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“I wanted an original name that started with an R, and that’s what I ended up with,” says the movie star, who is dating designer Ramona Agulma.

Wilson also explained the inspiration behind her daughter’s middle name.

She told PEOPLE: Elizabeth is my middle name after the late Queen.

Wilson made the comments shortly after announcing the arrival of her first child on Instagram.

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The actress wrote on the photo-sharing platform: [heart emoji]

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“My love for her is indescribable, she is a beautiful miracle! I am eternally grateful to everyone who has been involved (I know who you are), this has been over the years. Created with….Thank you for helping me start my own family, it’s a great gift.Best gift!!

Wilson also revealed that she’s already “learning quickly” about the challenges of motherhood.

The actress, who went public with her relationship with Agurma in June, continued: I’m learning fast… Kudos to all the moms out there! I am proud to be in your club. (heart emoji) (sic)”

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Rebel Wilson named his daughter after Queen Elizabeth

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