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BC Indigenous Leaders Thank John Hogan for Leadership

The statement from the British Columbia Indian Chiefs Coalition came as Hogan entered his final day as prime minister before prime ministerial nominee David Evey took office on Friday.

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British Columbia’s Indigenous Leaders’ Organization thanks Prime Minister for his work in passing legislation affirming Indigenous rights and calls on John Hogan’s successor to continue efforts toward reconciliation I’m here.

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The statement from the British Columbia Indian Chiefs Coalition came as Hogan entered his final day as prime minister before prime ministerial nominee David Evey took office on Friday.

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Union President Grand Chief Stewart Phillip said passing the BC Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2019 would not have been possible without Hogan’s leadership.

Philip says he and other Indigenous leaders “enjoyed and fully supported” Hogan as Prime Minister and “appreciated his ability to bring people together and connect with Indigenous peoples.”

The statement said the union was “proud of the joint work” achieved despite disagreements on some issues, including the expansion of liquefied natural gas and the protection of old growth timber. increase.

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Hogan was first elected to Parliament in 2005, acclaimed leader of the BC New Democrats in 2014, became Prime Minister in 2017, and was re-elected in 2020. He battled his second cancer diagnosis the following year and in June stepped down as prime minister and leader, but remained head of Langford Juan de Fuca.

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BC Indigenous Leaders Thank John Hogan for Leadership

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