Home Business What Kinds of Insurance Brokers Are There?

What Kinds of Insurance Brokers Are There?


The insurance sector is an enormous global business and deals with millions of policies at both an individual and a commercial level. Globally,the commercial insurance market was valued at $692.33 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.7% from 2020 to 2030. It is an industry where immense amounts of money are involved. On an individual level, most people have experience buying insurance by the time they are an adult. One of the first insurance purchases tends to be in the form of motor insurance when we buy a car insurance policy, to allow us to drive legally on the roads. When we buy our first homes,having comprehensive life insurance likely forms a part of gaining a mortgage, along with the home contents insurance that is purchased to protect our property in the event of theft or damage. Whilst many people have firsthand experience of buying insurance, the general knowledge of the types of insurance brokers is limited. This article seeks to explain the three main types of insurance brokers that are in operation.

Direct Broker

A direct broker is an insurance professional who can offer a range of insurance products that cover a diverse amount of insurance needs. Insurance brokers, such as kbdinsurance.com, function as intermediaries between the insurance companies themselves and the client who requires a specific insurance product. Using their specialist knowledge of the insurance industry, and by taking some key client details they form a picture of the insurance needs of the client and can select tailored insurance products that fit their needs. Direct brokers typically work on commission for their services and a small proportion of the annual insurance premium cost will be paid to the broker through remuneration for the advice and services provided. Depending on the country and the laws governing insurance brokers, a direct broker may also charge a fee for their specialist knowledge and processing claims relating to the insurance packages.

Reinsurance Broker

A reinsurance broker acts comparablyto a standard insurance broker with one key difference. Reinsurance brokers do not advise members of the public. Instead, they work with existing insurance companies to sell reinsurance policies. This tends to take the form of insurance companies seeking to insure themselves through larger insurance firms to manage their business risks, free up capital, or enable them to increase their customer base. Reinsurance brokers tend to be experts in the field of risk management because of their training and experience, and a key part of their service is to offer industry-specific advice about reinsurance.

Composite Broker

As the name suggests, a composite broker can perform both the functions of a direct broker and those of the reinsurance broker. Composite brokers tend to be insurance industry experts thanks to being able to operate in both major fields of insurance. They are known for their expert advice when it comes to filing insurance claims on an existing policy and tend to be adept at dealing with both individual clients and companies looking to manage their insurance requirements.