
Bail hearing scheduled for man charged with burglary in Côte Saint-Luc

One of the defendants has served four sentences in federal prison.

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Two men from Ontario are set to face a bail hearing soon after being arrested as suspects in a Côte Saint-Luc burglary where a woman in her 90s was held and lay on the floor of her condominium for hours. is.

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The suspect was arrested in Ontario on October 28. Less than a week after her two masked men broke into the woman’s home at 5:30 a.m., the victim was killed before burglars searched her home for valuables. I was tied up. When her masked men left, they left the victim lying on the floor, six hours later when her relatives who had been examining her victim found her. The woman was taken to hospital with injuries to her hand and forearm.

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The two arrested men — James Adam Houle, 44, and Tholfikar Kadhum, 26 — were charged with trespassing, armed robbery, forced confinement and conspiracy. Houle faces charges related to firearms that were seized when the men were arrested, and Kadhum is charged with possessing stolen property on the same day.

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The two were arrested in the parking lot of a shopping center in the Ottawa suburb of Orléans, according to Montreal police. When the car they were in was searched, police found firearms and several items stolen from the women’s condominium in Côte-Saint-Luc on October 22.

Kadhum is scheduled for hearing in a Montreal court on Wednesday, and Houle is scheduled for a bail hearing on November 29.

Houle faces an uphill battle as he seeks release next week. In 2020, he completed his fourth sentence inside a federal prison. The prison term began as his 31-month sentence for breaking into a home to steal valuables. After breaking into Laval’s home during his legal release on May 22, 2018, his sentence was extended to his 52 months. He was automatically eligible for release after reaching two-thirds of his sentence on December 7, 2017.

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In a summary of its 2017 decision to impose a set of conditions on Houle’s release, the Canadian Parole Board said, “Your crime was committed for financial gain and to support your drug addiction. File information indicates that you have a long history of substance abuse, including both alcohol and drugs.”

His release was subject to seven conditions, including a curfew and participation in a substance abuse program. A month after Houle was released, he began psychological counseling, although he attended only one session. He started working for his friend and told the parole officer that he was working on his business plan. However, on March 11, 2018, an arrest warrant was issued after police suspected him of committing a crime.

He had been on the run illegally for over 71 days and was arrested the day he broke into Laval’s mansion.

When questioned about what he did during Rum, he told parole officers that he could no longer get a prescription for Saboson, a drug used to treat opioid addiction, and experienced withdrawal. He said he started using heroin and OxyContin when the drugs ran out.

He appeared before the parole board again on August 18, 2018, and his release was revoked.

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Bail hearing scheduled for man charged with burglary in Côte Saint-Luc

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