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Ontario Government Introduces New Regulations for Individuals Convicted of Impaired Driving

Ontario Proposes Stricter Measures for Impaired Driving Offenders

Ontario is set to introduce a comprehensive set of new regulations targeting individuals convicted of impaired driving within the province, which will include the implementation of ignition interlock devices and the imposition of lifetime driving bans.

The Ford government unveiled these proposed measures on Wednesday, emphasizing a broader crackdown on various traffic violations, including stunt driving and auto theft, all aimed at enhancing road safety.

Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria underscored the importance of ensuring the safety of all road users, stating, “Everyone deserves to return home to their loved ones safely at the end of the day.” Sarkaria emphasized the devastating impact of impaired driving on families across Ontario.

Among the key provisions of the forthcoming legislation is a lifetime driving ban for those convicted of impaired driving causing death. Additionally, first-time offenders will be required to install ignition interlock devices in their vehicles and undergo mandatory training.

The government cited alarming statistics, noting that one in three fatalities on Ontario roads involves impaired driving, while a 2022 study revealed that one in five drivers stopped were under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or both.

The proposed legislation aims to increase immediate roadside licence suspensions for first and second-time alcohol and drug-related offences and clarify rules allowing police to conduct sobriety tests during vehicle stops.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) expressed support for the proposed legislation, stressing the need for robust sanctions to hold impaired drivers accountable and reduce recidivism.

These planned measures coincide with the Ford government’s forthcoming bill, which will also address licence suspensions for individuals convicted of auto theft, particularly those involving aggravating factors such as violence. Repeat offenders could face escalating suspensions, potentially leading to lifetime driving bans.

The legislation is anticipated to be introduced on Thursday, signaling the government’s commitment to enhancing road safety and addressing serious traffic offenses within the province.

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