Home Health The Pros and Cons of Using Goat’s Milk for Infant Nutrition

The Pros and Cons of Using Goat’s Milk for Infant Nutrition


Choosing the right source of nutrition for babies is an important task for parents. In light of this, goat’s milk and goat’s milk formulas are becoming popular alternatives to cow’s milk and breastfeeding. Many families face individual intolerance to cow’s milk, which is why adapted formulas are contraindicated for them. In that case, EU formulas from Organic’s Best, which are based on goat’s milk, will be a great start to your baby’s nutrition.

The Difference Between Goat and Cow Based Formulas

If we compare goat and cow dairy products as foods for babies, then the first milk is much healthier and more nutritious. It has its own pros and cons, and is a popular discussion topic among many parents. The most obvious advantages of goat’s milk formulas are:

  • Goat’s milk contains less alpha-c1-casein protein, which often causes allergic reactions in children. Therefore, it can be an excellent choice for children prone to allergies. Besides that, its proteins are close to breast milk proteins in terms of their qualitative composition and ratio.
  • It can be used in case of intolerance to cow’s milk: some children have an individual intolerance to cow’s milk, in which case goat’s milk can be a safe alternative.
  • The main advantage of goat’s milk is better absorption, thanks to which colic, constipation and other digestive disorders can be avoided. The enzymes found in it soothe inflammation in the intestines, which helps support healthy digestion.
  • Goat milk also has natural antibacterial properties that help protect your baby from infections and illnesses. It contains lactic acid, which helps fight bad bacteria in the body and promotes a healthy gut microbiome.
  • It is high in calories. The child can get the necessary nutrients from a small amount of the product.

However, there are some disadvantages as well. Choosing a type of formula for an infant is an important step, so you should check all available information and pick the best option. Here are some of downsides of goat’s milk:

  • The price for it may be higher than other types of mixtures. Goat milk and formulas based on it usually cost more than cow’s counterparts.
  • Goat’s milk contains less folic acid, which is important for the normal development of the nervous system. Therefore, infants may need additional folic acid.
  • It also contains less leucine, an amino acid that is important for muscle growth and development. It can be fixed with adding needed vitamins in the child’s daily diet.
  • Goat’s milk has a taste that children do not always like. Some babies may refuse to consume it because of its aroma and taste.

Goat’s milk formulas have their own pros and cons. Every family decides whether to choose it from among the other options, or not. Our clients are convinced that those formulas are a new step in baby nutrition that the scientists have been working on for a long time. EU formulas from Organic’s Best contain all needed vitamins, minerals and fatty acids that promote healthy growth and development of the baby.