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Letter to the Editor: 24 It’s time to demolish Sussex

Here is today’s Ottawa Sun letter to the editor.

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Re: Feel the burn. On 19 November 24 Sussex was closed for Lenos after passing a fire safety inspection

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As such, a ‘restoration’ is about to begin at 24 Sussex Dr., the Prime Minister’s official residence. We’ve all heard the numbers on how much it costs to code a mansion, and those numbers are staggering.

Instead of wasting $38 million to renovate, how about tearing it down and rebuilding it for a fraction of the cost?

Justin Trudeau can’t seem to spend our tax money fast enough. hotel and spends $7,000 a month on groceries.

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Honestly, do you think he’ll cut his carbon footprint? Or eat crickets instead of beef? Shake your head. It never happens.

Sandy Johnston


(Well, it went in an interesting direction.)

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Re: Competency Revolution, Column, November 19

As for John Snobelen’s latest column, the reality is that the federal government has become so bloated and lethargic that it can’t move with momentum in any direction.

It starts with having so many managers. Therefore, so many people need to be informed in every decision, coupled with the fact that each manager has an interest in advocating/advancing his or her own group.

There are endless meetings about just about anything, but they start with personal pre-meetings and end with post-meetings where people discuss proposed ideas rather than decisions.

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Alas, it’s not just managers who are responsible, but no one is held accountable for anything, so even those who want to contribute don’t care, so head on the wall There is an underlying feeling that it is better to hit the .

The problem permeates all levels of government, state-owned enterprises and institutions that rely on government funding, with few checks and balances.

Treatment is painful, but doable. Create a new department with the sole responsibility of examining each department and finding where they can make the most effective cuts without impacting performance. (It happens in the private sector.) I can assure you there are a lot.

Wayne Boyce

Carlton Place

(Managers. Hmm, they suck.)

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Have you been briefed?unlikely

Re: Nice, Justin. Prime Minister Hasn’t Been Explained About Election Interference?absurdity column 22nd november

It is hard to believe that the prime minister was not briefed on China’s intervention. No matter what China does within its borders, the prime minister is beginning to seem to turn a blind eye. If so, it shows he’s thinking more about China than Canada, and as a result, he should be offered a one-way ticket to China. It’s time to either fire the person responsible or pay the price for the incompetence that surrounds you and not the Canadian taxpayer.

Pete McClellan

block building

(Shanghai is said to be beautiful at this time of year.)

come on

I have been a fan of Sens since day one. I watch all of my team’s games. Like many fans, I had high hopes for this season.

The bottom line is that I’m tired of watching the other team steal points in most games. I’ve never said this before, but the results I see are usually due to poor coaching.

Pete Segan


(Sens fans, love shouldn’t hurt.)

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Letter to the Editor: 24 It’s time to demolish Sussex

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