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Diagoron leader Jeremy Mackenzie released on bail in Saskatchewan

Mackenzie is expected to return to Nova Scotia this week to await trial or be detained in Quebec.

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The leader of the far-right Canadian group Diagoron has been released on bail.

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Andrew Clements, the king’s prosecutor based in Saskatoon, said on Friday the king had filed an assault and other charges resulting from an alleged incident near the community of the Viscount of Saskatchewan in November 2021. It said it had agreed to release Jeremy Mackenzie from custody ahead of a trial on weapons charges.

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Mackenzie was initially denied bail on October 7. He later indicated that he planned to appeal the decision, but Clements explained that not much progress had been made after the royal family waived an earlier objection to Mackenzie’s release ahead of the trial. .

Clements explained that bail decisions are usually reversed due to what he calls a judicial error or a “significant change in circumstances.” He said the royal family saw no problem with the judge’s decision at Mackenzie’s initial bail hearing, but he agreed to Mackenzie’s release after new plans were worked out to manage him in the community. said it could.

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Mackenzie’s bail is subject to several conditions, including a bond of $35,000. Of that, his $5,000 is his Mackenzie’s own money, and the rest of his $30,000 comes from the two of them in Nova Scotia, which Mackenzie will have to live with after his release.

Mackenzie also said he would not own a gun or ammunition, not consume unprescription alcohol or drugs, abide by curfews, and remain in Nova Scotia unless permitted to attend court or leave the state. We sought. He is also prohibited from contacting the two complainants in his case, and is prohibited from mentioning either in social media posts.

He won his release ahead of trial in Saskatchewan, but will remain at the Saskatoon Correctional Center on Monday pending the outcome of a bail hearing on allegations of intimidation and criminal harassment facing Quebec. , said the outcome of that hearing would determine whether Mackenzie would leave Saskatchewan for Nova Scotia at his own expense or be transferred to Quebec for detention.

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The Viscount is about 80 kilometers southeast of Saskatoon

Mackenzie is the self-proclaimed leader of Diagolon, a group described in a 2022 House report as a violent extremist organization. The name refers to a fictional country made up of states and provinces without COVID-19 obligations, forming a diagonal line across North America.

He was also charged with harassment and intimidation in connection with an anti-mask protest outside the home of Nova Scotia’s chief medical and health officer in March, and was released from Nova Scotia after a January police raid. He faces 13 firearm-related charges in the state.

— Using files from Canadian Press

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Diagoron leader Jeremy Mackenzie released on bail in Saskatchewan

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