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Are mosquitoes really more attracted to some people?

Yes, the image from the article titled Mosquitoes really like some people

Photo: Elizabeth Galitkaia (shutter stock)

Forget bug repellent when you go on a group hike, or barbecue in a mosquito-infested backyard? Some people have only one or two itchy spots. And it’s probably true.

We’ve long known that mosquitoes seem to prefer certain people over othersbut find out why why It was difficult.Spoiler: while Scientists have not yet solved this mystery There are many clues.

body size and activity

First of all, we know that mosquitoes It navigates towards us by smelling carbon dioxide, we always exhale. The larger the body, the more oxygen it breathes in and the more carbon dioxide it exhales. this means Adults are more likely to be spotted by mosquitoes than children, larger adults are more likely to be spotted than smaller adults, and are more likely to be targeted by mosquitoes when pregnant than when not pregnant.

Also, breathe more during exercise. This is because you need more oxygen to burn the calories that fuel your workout. As a result, more carbon dioxide is produced. In other words, people are more likely to be targeted when they are exercising than when they are sitting still. Mosquitoes also sense the warmth of our bodies. good.

dark clothes

Once the mosquito identifies our general area, it flies toward a large, dark object. People who wear dark clothes are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than people who wear light clothes.So when there are mosquitoes Consider wearing brightly colored clothing.some research suggest red or Orange clothes are especially attractive Aedes To avoid mosquitoes (striped mosquitoes found in the southern United States), stick to blues and greens when choosing a pastel wardrobe.

J.i smell you

There are undoubtedly other factors that influence who likes mosquitoes, but scientists are still working to figure out what mosquitoes like. that is. Drinking alcohol seems to affect our attraction to insects,One.

But there are more. In one recent study, researchers asked people to wear stockings on their arms for several days to absorb the scent and then expose themselves. These stockings to mosquitoes. Skiers preferred some stockings over others, which was not surprising.The scientists’ plan was to genetically modify the mosquito’s sense of smell and see if this would stop the mosquito’s sense of smell. A few people and all Man. That aspect of the experiment didn’t work.

However, in the process it turned out that the differences between people were not subtle. 100 times As attractive to mosquitoes as the least attractive sample. As researchers told Sci Tech Daily:

Because the trial samples were anonymized, the experimenters did not know which participants wore which nylons. will notice. This is because the insects will swarm towards the sample. “It will be obvious within seconds of starting the assay,” he said. [researcher Maria Elena] De Ovaldia.

A chemical analysis showed that the more attractive stockings were higher in carboxylic acids, a family of chemicals We make it with sebaceous glands.Bacteria and other microbes that grow on our skin probably also affect this chemical profile (perhaps vice versa). why Some people prefer the smell of mosquitoes, but at least it’s clear that the difference is real.

Are mosquitoes really more attracted to some people?

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