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Letter from a reader: Changes have degraded paper quality

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As longtime subscribers of The Windsor Star newspaper, I would like to share my and my husband’s views on recent changes to the print edition of The Star.

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Readers were forewarned that a new comic was coming. Old ones were eliminated. Puzzles were changing, and new formats were being introduced that were common on paper.

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We found that these new changes had a negative impact on the print quality of Windsor Star.

Printing across the paper is often poor — too thin, blurry or smeared, making it difficult to read.

The weather page is terribly poor and also very hard to read.

The paper version has deteriorated in our opinion.

Pat Boyd, Windsor

share your opinion

Please send letters to the editor to letters@windsorstar.com. (Don’t send it as an attachment, put it in the body of the email). The letter should contain your name, address and phone number. (Only your name and city of residence will be published.) Characters must be less than 300 words. Starr reserves the right to edit, summarize and reject letters.

Letter from a reader: Changes have degraded paper quality

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