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NS Mother Advocates for Improved Ultrasound Accessibility Following Private Clinic’s Twin Revelation

Taija Howard Discovered Twins Only Through Private Ultrasound, Exposes Resource Challenges in Access

Had Taija Howard not opted for a private ultrasound, she wouldn’t have known she was expecting twins until much later in her pregnancy. Despite a referral from her family doctor for an ultrasound at the IWK Health Center in Halifax during her first trimester, she never received an appointment call. Concerned, she decided to undergo a private ultrasound at the end of her first trimester, where she was surprised to learn about her twins.

“This was the craziest 10 minutes of my life,” Howard expressed.

Without this private scan, she would have remained unaware of the twins until her next gynecologist appointment at 20 weeks, over four months into her pregnancy. Now, instead of being anxious about the unknown, she’s focused on celebrating this news.

Resource constraints are evident in the delay of appointment ultrasounds at IWK due to a shortage of ultrasound sonographers. Dr. Heather Scott, the chief of obstetrics at IWK, highlighted the pressure on diagnostic imaging and ultrasound departments due to recent staff losses.

Janae Brothers, from the private provider Mommy & Me Ultrasounds, emphasized the importance of offering options to expectant mothers who face delays in medical center ultrasounds. While Dr. Scott acknowledged the benefits of private ultrasound clinics for providing comfort to expectant parents, she also expressed concerns about the quality of care and the necessity for private visits in a universal healthcare system.

Taija Howard, fortunate to have support and resources, worries about the impact of delayed ultrasounds on others. She emphasizes the fear and uncertainty experienced by parents-to-be without access to timely medical care, underscoring the importance of addressing these access challenges.

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