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Hidden iPhone Calculator Tips You Should Use

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Photo: Africa studio ((((Shutterstock).

You will probably bring your iPhone Calculator app Naturally. Indeed, yMay use multiple times a week, but don’t actually use it Give it a lot I thought beyond thatyou? Well, that little hard worker can do much more than you understand, from scientific calculations to more hidden features.

Easily turn into a scientific calculator

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screenshot: Khamosh Pathak

Only to Disables iPhone rotation lock (you can do this) from Control Center), turn phone Get it sideways with the calculator app Access to a full-fledged scientific calculator app.

Swipe to remove a number

OK, ok, probably not needed Scientific calculators are so frequent, but you conduct You probably need to delete the single Occasionally number: Just sWipe left or right at the top of the screen delete Quickly number without having to start over with a complete calculation.

Just clear it immediately Current numbers —Or all

“If you’ve ever confused the features of, you’ll be forgiven.CButton and “Alternating current“Button. The differences are as follows: Mef you want to clear your number However Entered on the screen “C“Or (clear) button, delete Previous step. The “Alternating current“ (All clear) button, on the other hand Clear Entered number When It’s all steps before the calculation, so start with a square.

Master copy and paste

Image of article titled Hidden iPhone Calculator Tips You Should Use

screenshot: Khamosh Pathak

There are two ways to copy the final result. TTap and hold the number at the top and hold down “copyButton, or After pressing and holding the calculator app Copy the last result directly without opening The app itself..

Calculate without calculator app

The last tip has nothing to do with the calculator app, but it’s something every iPhone user should know..Just like Mac and iPhone have basic calculation functions built into the search function.Or This means that you can calculate by simply swiping down on the home screen.

You can use Spotlight to perform basic calculations, but it also includes currency conversion and unit conversion (features that the calculator app cannot do). Oh, if you don’t feel like typing, you can ask Siri to calculate the result.

Hidden iPhone Calculator Tips You Should Use

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