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Letter, 29 November: “Council makes no effort to help Calgarians”

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no effort to save
4.4% rate hike. What a tone deaf council. They didn’t even try to find budget savings. But don’t worry guys. Unions still give raises. i think you get what you pay for. Much of that council is bought and paid for—you know who you are and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Ray Stevenson
(Easy money.)

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Tax increase, reduction service
Ten years ago my property taxes were a lot lower than they are now, but every winter the roads were cleared after every heavy snowfall. Did our city council sell snow blowers to finance a silly project? Our neighborhood hasn’t been cleaned once in all these years. I think this trend of higher taxes and lower services at all levels of government is alive and well.
Mike Sock
(Extenuating circumstances aside, I have no recollection of Calgary regularly clearing residential streets.)

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cracker jack part
I work part time driving so I get to see a lot of Calgary roads. She told someone she works with that she wanted to take two weeks off work to complete her degree in traffic engineering. After researching the course, I found that it was available for correspondence, with the open book final exam of course. When I checked the course content, it was offered as his 3-week course. The shortened final week was about interchange design. Just drive through the two new interchanges on Airport Tr. at Barlow Tr. and check my gist at 19 St. NE. I can’t wait to see how the engineers “fix” the Deerfoot Tr.
terry jermaine
(Come on, don’t put a damper on things.)

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Enough, Notory
I’m tired of Rachel Notley continuing to criticize Danielle Smith’s support for anti-inflation. Notley claims 2 million Albertans don’t get any help. This is a lie. Any owner or renter will receive a utility bill rebate and benefit from the elimination of the gas tax. Politics has become so divisive and hostile that no one is telling the truth anymore?
Bill Crawford
(When did it become a crime for the government to give something back?)

not excited
I have never been a fan of low-scoring, slow-moving soccer games. If I had a choice, I’d rather watch an elderly person play pickleball than watch 90 minutes of pure boredom.
Larry Cantrell
(Not for everyone… but have you seen Flames lately?)

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Pay attention
On the final day of the emergency law inquiry, the prime minister testified that his decision to approve the limitation of special charter powers was acceptable. Unfortunately, this zen-like state is not shared by the millions of Canadians who are “stressed” by the prime minister’s slow march to transparent authoritarianism. They also know that millions of people don’t pay attention or care.
Al Willie
(Canadian people are too used to this.)

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Letter, 29 November: “Council makes no effort to help Calgarians”

Source link Letter, 29 November: “Council makes no effort to help Calgarians”

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