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You should use orange peel in your garden

Image of the article titled You Should Use Orange Peel in Your Garden

Photo: Jigira ((((Shutterstock).

After eating oranges or drinking juice, the first instinct may be to throw away the leftovers. Of course, it’s your job to do with your own garbage, but you should know that orange peel has more to give, especially if you have a yard. is.

ignore Tik Tok’s post claiming to peel bananas The magical, potassium-rich plant savior your garden needs: orange peel produces better results with much less work. Here are some ways to use orange peel in your garden.

Starter pot for seedlings

Even before the (outdoor) gardening officially begins, there is an orange peel for you, Small starter pot for seedlings.. Before eating the orange, cut it in half, scoop the fruit, and make a hole in the bottom of the skin to drain it. Add soil and seeds and watch them grow. When moving out, it can be planted all over the ground.

Snail feeding and removal

Need to get rid of some slugs in your garden?Place Half skin of orange (It looks like a planter pot above) In your yard (or better, there are some skins throughout the plot). The next morning, it is more likely to contain snails that live in the garden. From there, you can move the skin (such as slugs) far away from the garden.

Skin as a pest control

Snails are just the beginning. Orange peel can ward off all kinds of garden pests. After double-Make sure all the pulp is peeled off, cut it into strips and sprinkle it around the garden.

After all, many insects and rodents that like to tear your garden that is no Orange scent fan..Therefore, placing these peel strips around the roots of the plant will cause many pests. Proceed. Be sure to replace the skin when it begins to dry (the drier the less effective).

Natural pest control spray

Orange peel can also be used to make Natural pest control spray Keep slugs, aphids, ants, whiteflies, fruit flies and other insects away from the garden. Put a few orange peels and a glass of water in a pan and bring to a boil. Bring the mixture to a boil for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat.

Once cool, strain the liquid and place it in an empty spray bottle. Split it into the plants in your garden (and home) every 3-4 days.

As a plant nutrition

When you use orange peels in your garden as a starter pot or insect deterrent, they also provide to your plants Important nutrientsPhosphorus, nitrogen, potassium.

You should use orange peel in your garden

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