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You need to take this picnic salad to the next picnic

Image of article titled Should Take This Picnic Salad to the Next Picnic should take this picnic salad to the next picnic

Photo: Claire Lower

A few months ago I found A snack that changed my life.. The creme fraiche was sprinkled with honey and the super tart was made with only three ingredients, which was a chaotic taste.

I eat it quite often and enjoyably, but recently I’ve begun to daydream about playing in format. What if instead of a dipable snack, we chopped pickles, switched proportions, and made a crushable salad that could be scooped out whole?

This hypothesis sounded pretty good to me as a prominent pickle enthusiast, but I was worried that it would be polarized for those who didn’t feel it. But after a bit of tinkering, I think this is more than at home, next to a pile of smoked meats of all kinds, ham sandwiches, and even picnic salads in burgers. (If you’re the type of person who thinks the pickled diet is reasonable and good, that’s fine on its own.)

“Dressing” is almost too simple. Sour cream with a little honey clings to the pickles and softens the acidity with fat and sweetness. Sliced ​​red onions add a refreshing pungent taste, and herbs refresh the joints.

Image of article titled Should Take This Picnic Salad to the Next Picnic should take this picnic salad to the next picnic

Photo: Claire Lower

If honey sounds strange to you, grow up! The slight sweetness is the key. Without it, salads would feel unbalanced and aggressive, and no one likes aggressive salads.

You can mix and match your favorite pickles, but try adding at least three different flavors. The pickled cucumber is a combination of Cornicon, classic Clausen and the “Sweet Heat” pickles of the Mount of Olives. (Half sour was good, but I’m currently riding the heat waves of Portland at my parents’ home in the countryside and couldn’t find half sour on Safeway.)

If the pickles are not sliced, be careful not to chop anything thinner than 1/4 inch. I want to crunch, not drape, so make it a little heavier. (However, the onions are sliced ​​thinly. In this context, the drape onions are really great.)

Pickled salad


  • 3 types of pickles 3 cups (1 cup each), sliced ​​into 1/4 inch thick rounds
  • 1/2 small red onion, sliced
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of chives (split)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 tbsp fresh dill leaves
  • Fresh pepper to taste

If slicing is needed, slice the pickles and add them to the mixing bowl with the sliced ​​onions. In another small bowl, mix the sour cream and honey together with a whisk and add the pickles and onions. Add all but one teaspoon of chives, toss again, transfer to a serving bowl and decorate the rest of the chives. This salad is delicious right away, but you can leave it in the fridge for a few hours. (It’s going to be a lot longer and things get a little too soft, but it’s still a good burger topping because I’m thinking.)

You need to take this picnic salad to the next picnic

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