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You need to download “The Matrix Awakens” now

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PS5 and Xbox series X / S are powerful machines —That’s not the only news.One such example of that power is Matrix AwakensCurrently available on both systems, you can see the future of Unreal Engine in the game for free.But that unique experience goodUnless you download it now.

Matrix Awakens It’s not a game because it’s an interactive tech demo of Unreal Engine 5. Epic Games is keen to showcase the next General of Unreal Engine and what it can add to the game in the future.Stimulate the imagination of gamers and friends..

You can see it Demonstration of Lorenzo Drago at Etchu-Daimon Station in Japan. This experience isn’t yet reproducible in a full-fledged game, but it’s built using Unreal Engine 5 and is definitely impressive.

However, compared to the Drago demo, Matrix Awakens teeth grand theft auto: The first 10 minutes will feature a photo-realistic, interactive film featuring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. Then drop you in the middle of the matrix. In this case, the matrix is ​​large, active and beautiful. rendering City. You can walk, fly, and drive through the streets to capture everything Unreal has put together. If you like God,For mode-like experiences, you can use the drone to quickly zoom the map.

Not like GTABut not many conduct: This is actually a tech demo, so the main idea is to see how impressive Unreal Engine 5 is visually with the latest hardware. There is no real task to do here, except for a short shootout in the first movie. Instead, your main purpose is to explore the world. Still, it’s a fun experience, especially given the size of the demo map.If you are the kind of person who enjoys a video journey If you are unintentionally exploring the game map, you can probably enjoy it Matrix Awakens..

Unfortunately, this title will be removed from both the PlayStation and Xbox stores on Saturday, July 9, three days after this article. after that, Matrix Awakens New players who want to try the Unreal Engine 5 version of The Matrix will not be able to access it. However, if downloaded before July 9, it will continue to be available as a downloadable option now and in the future.

If you’re not very interested in the demo, or if you remove it right away, consider downloading it now.Just choose to download Matrix Awakens It’s free and permanently associated with your PlayStation or Xbox, so you can play it anytime in the future if you want.


You need to download “The Matrix Awakens” now

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