You can make cookies much harder to track you in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge Is one of the rare browsers that offers both Privacy and versatility.. One of such privacy feature All browsing data, including cookies and site data, will be automatically deleted. This means that it is difficult for third-party cookies to track users between sessions and devices, as you can leave a blank slate each time you exit and restart Edge. And it is customizable.
First, cLick three points menu Click the button from the toolbar and select “”Setting.“ From the sidebar, “Privacy, search, and servicesSection, and search “”Select what you want to clear each time you close your browser.”
Now enable the data points I want to clear it. You can choose from browsing history, download history, cookies, cached images, passwords, auto-filled data, and site permissions.
Once selected “”Cookies and other site data,” A new section called “” is displayed.Please do not clear.. If you have a website I need to store cookies, Sites that you usually use at work, etc.“additionPress the button to add the website here as an exception. Now, the next time you quit Microsoft Edge, all selected personal data will be automatically cleared and deleted.
Other important Microsoft Edge privacy options
While you are Setting Section, you should It will take some time to enhance the overall privacy and security of the app.
from “Privacy, search, and servicesPlease check the section “”Tracking prevention“It is enabled. Microsoft says”Balanced“ If you want to set it, but block most of the tracker and disable features such as personalized advertising,Strict“Setting. However, if you do this, be aware that some websites may not work properly. If that happens, You can go back to Tracking prevention >> >> exception >> >> Add a site Whitelist your website.
You can make cookies much harder to track you in Microsoft Edge
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