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You are wrong about “breaking the seal”

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Photo: Syda Productions ((((Shutterstock).

I was at a college party when I first heard it: “If you break the seal,” my friend darkly said, “You will break the contract.” I was on my way to the bathroom. This is a standard and rational journey that we all do many times a day, but according to party legend, when consuming alcohol should be postponed for as long as possible. When I pee for the first time while drinking, I think I have to pee a lot more in a row.

Is there any real science behind this fun folklore?

No, you never “break” the seal

Whether the drink is alcohol or not, it is natural to pee if you drink a lot, but there is no evidence to pee. more After going to the bathroom for the first time. Dr. Petar Bajic, a urologist, summarizes this issue as follows:For clarity, there is no sticker you are protecting.. “

Consider what you know about anatomy. Such a sticker only activates when throwing a shot back or drinking beer, but where and how does it actually work? Use your cool brain to ponder this puzzle so that your drunken brain doesn’t have to.

You pee more when you drink, but not because of the “seal”

Bajic pointed out that the average bladder is “pear-sized.” Therefore, the more liquid you consume, the more often you need to drain it. If you go to the facility frequently on a particular night, more Considering alcohol as a diuretic, it means increasing urine production.You are drinking a lot of liquid When Absorb diuretics; course You need to be capricious more often than usual. This has nothing to do with what Basik calls the “legendary seal.” This is also because there are no seals.

If you want to know more about the science of why you’re peeing in a club, you can go further. Alcohol suppresses the release of vasopressin, an antidiuretic hormone that normally tells the kidneys to absorb water and distribute the rest. To your body. For each health line, The suppression of vasopressin is noteworthy. This is because it produces more urine than usual and pees in the water reserves.

This is why you should drink water when you go out at night.All that water depletion leads to dehydration — and when you drink enough A nasty little hangover, Dehydration It just makes me sick.

Don’t fall victim to urban legends

People are thought-provoking. Those who are drunk may be more so. Now is the time to break the obsession with this urban legend, as ever. Matured from believing in the order in which you consume a particular type of alcohol Somehow it affects your burfing potential.At some point, rather than ordering large quantities of drinks in a very specific order, moderation is the key to staying vomiting-free, and yet the same. The false myth of seals continues. sympathy.

You are wrong about “breaking the seal”

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