Word All lets you guess every word
Some of the more interesting Wordle variants came from treating the green and yellow squares as defining a pool of possible words, rather than as a hint for a single solution. Absurdity It looks like the “mind” is changing as you play, but we’re actually narrowing down the pool of possible answers until only one remains. WordlebotThe New York Times analysis tool, which evaluates resolution performance based on how efficiently the guess divides the possibilities into pools. And now WordAll Pull the curtain back completely.Instead of guessing a single word, you need to be given a clue to define a pool of words and understand all Of the words in that pool.
WordAll provides two guesses that have already been entered, so you don’t have to worry about choosing the perfect starter. You can see how many words are in the pool. For example, for the game board above, the solutions turned out to be NATAL, NAVAL, NAVEL, and TALON.
It’s a bit like playing in the original Wordle “hard mode”, as only the words in the pool are allowed as guesses. (For example, if the letter is green, all legal guesses should use that letter in its place.)
Each time you guess a word in the pool, the color of the square is updated to give you a hint of what’s left. For example, if you guess a word that starts with N and the square is half green and half yellow, you know that at least one of the remaining words has an N in its place and at least one of the other has an N. .. In another place. If you guess all the words that start with N, all the squares will be displayed in yellow.
I think it’s a fun and interesting game.Is not The most difficult Wordle variations, And not the easiest. You will be scored with your time to guess every word and the number of wrong guesses you tried to enter along the way.For example, I solved Today’s puzzle There are two wrong answers at 4:20 (not what you see). Maybe you have better luck?
Word All lets you guess every word
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