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Why You Shouldn’t Trust Fuel Cost Estimates on New Car Window Stickers

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Photo: hxdbzxy ((((Shutterstock).

Buying a new car has always been a big investment, and everyone IGiven the pinch of inflation, it is especially important to consider the current costs and the costs associated with using and maintaining them over the long term. Also, as gasoline remains around $ 5 per gallon, car fuel efficiency can be a deciding factor in purchasing.

Until recently, dealer car window sticker fuel cost estimates provided buyers with fairly accurate and useful information.However According to Consumer ReportsThat is no longer the case.

Car window stickers tell consumers about fuel efficiency

Formally”Monrony labelThe window sticker on the dealer’s new car provides some basic fuel-related stats for the vehicle. These include emissions and smog assessments, the average number of miles you can travel on a gallon of gas, and estimated fuel costs for one and five years. These forecasts are based on data from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Energy Information Agency (EIA).

Why the fuel cost estimates for window stickers are not accurate

After all, the data provided by the EPA and EIA to automakers to calculate 1-year and 5-year fuel cost estimates is two years old. Consumer report.. For example, the fuel cost forecast for the 2023 model was calculated in November 2021.

Previously, the two-year delay in calculations wasn’t too far away, but after the gas price spikes over the past few months, outdated estimates are no longer accurate.In fact, Consumer Reports experts I did mathThey found that some of the five-year fuel cost forecasts were off by more than $ 10,000.

Another factor to consider is that all fuel cost estimates are made using regular gasoline prices, even if the manufacturer recommends premium fuel for the vehicle.

Where to find accurate fuel cost forecasts

Scan and pull up the QR code instead of relying on the old projection printed on the window sticker Fueleconomy.govProvides information about gas prices I do■ Updated weekly. The site also has an interactive calculator that you can use to calculate your own (more accurate) fuel cost estimates.

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Fuel Cost Estimates on New Car Window Stickers

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