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Why you need to check your luggage as late as possible

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Photo: Catwalk Photos ((((Shutterstock).

As a rule of thumb, I never check my luggage when I fly, but it can be unavoidable. Also, subsequent necessary trips to the luggage carousel are inevitable. You know the scene: The area is littered with exhausted companions who are eager to get a bag to get to a hotel or home. But when you’re ready to finish your day’s trip, there are ways to make your bag collection time more efficient and less stressful.

How to get your baggage first with your baggage carousel

Of course, this will never be the perfect science. However, according to airport ramp worker and gate agent Thomas Lo Sout., There is one way to increase the probability that the bag will come out first. He writes: “Your best option is to be one of the last passengers to check your bag. The bag will always be loaded into the bag cart from front to back. Therefore, when you check in last, the bag will be the last It will be put in a bag cart, will be the last of the aircraft, and will be the first to get off the aircraft at the destination. ”

If being one of the last passengers to check in for a flight causes Agita rather than waiting around the luggage carousel, there is another way. According to Lo Sciuto, you can also bring your bag through security and ask the flight desk agent if you can check your luggage at the gate. This has the same effect as ideally placing the bag in the undercarriage, allowing it to hit the destination conveyor belt first.

Track your luggage with AirTag

When checking luggage on a flight, there are some variables that can eventually cause problems or cause the bag to naturally move to another destination. However, if you use Apple AirTag to tag your luggage, your suitcase will actually be the same city as you. You no longer have to stand around the carousel, thinking that the bag might come down from the chute.

As an additional bonus, if someone accidentally (or intentionally) leaves with your luggage, it will be much easier to track your luggage for safe recovery.

Do not stand directly at the bottom of the carousel chute

Standing right next to the cargo carousel chute shows obvious signs of self-importance, but in the end it has no effect. Choose a less crowded location further down the carousel route. That way, you’ll have more space and better access after your suitcase has generously embarked on a journey. This may not be the fastest way to get it every time, but overall, it will be a less stressful experience, which is ultimately what we are looking for.

Why you need to check your luggage as late as possible

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