Why we “chalk” under pressure (and how to avoid it)
We were all there.this is the A big moment. What we prepare, visualize, and are obsessed with for days, weeks, or more. It needed to gather all of our skills, exercises, knowledge, or charms to perform in high-pressure scenarios, its big interviews, presentations, first dates, or states (when we were young). Championship game. We have been working hard for this day for a long time, and we are ready. Alright, let’s go!
But instead of crushing it, You can barely breathe, have an evil case of dry mouth, and feel the emergency brewing in the bathroom. With racing hearts and stuttering, you panic, whimsical, miss shots, and forget the entire paragraph. In other words, you suffocate.
By adulthood, we have all experienced performance anxiety. But it’s not just “tensioned”, it’s ruining what we can do with what’s happening in our brains and bodies. good?
The science behind what happens when we are nervous
Cognitive scientist, President of Barnard College, Chalk: To clarify what the secret of the brain does when you have to do it right“Many explanations can be summarized in the fact that the prefrontal cortex (the foremost part of the brain above the eyes) does not function properly under pressure.” The task of demanding thinking and reasoning. Instead of doing (normal work), most of the resources of the prefrontal cortex are occupied by anxiety and control.
We are not only trying to flip the possible failure scenarios in our heads, but also constantly trying to control the crap we love from our actions to ensure success. So that’s why Baylock once Written for LifehackerUsually the details are left out of our consciousness (“For example, golf requires too much attention.”It reminds me of how the elbow bends when I take a 3-foot putt that has been pierced thousands of times in the past. “), We monitor and pay undue attention.
The good news is that once you understand how your body responds to high stakes situations, you can start intercepting some of the causes of poor performance. There are several strategies Beilock recommends.
Reconstruct your neural interpretation
For starters, keep in mind that the body’s response to stressful nerve-breaking situations (stomach butterflies, shallow breathing, throbbing heart) is the same physiological response that we have to excite. useful. And there is power in the way we interpret information. “If you interpret it as a sign, you’ll fail,” Baylock said. entrepreneur, “You have a good chance of doing so, but if you interpret it as a sign that you are ready to go, you are excited, you can do better. The next time you overcome your nerves, think of it as a normal, expected reaction, rather than as a problem. Evidence that you are excited and ready.
Practice under stress
In other words, practice under game-like conditions.You may remember that big client’s pitch word for word, but if you don’t practice it In front of peopleYou’re missing out on a great opportunity to protect yourself from the pressure (so you’re less afraid of it when the day of the actual pitch comes). “We know that if you can imitate what you’re trying to experience, you’ll do much better,” says Baylock. “So sell to a group of friends, or if no one is looking at you, do it in the mirror. Anything you’re used to looking at you.”
Write down your concerns
“We know that journaling really helps reduce stress and reduce some of the things that fly in your head in the long run,” Bayrock notes. Give them an exit instead of putting their worries inside and making them angry. Downloading them to paper can help you lose some of that power and help you understand some of your worries about what will happen.
Focus on results
As with visualization, Baylock proposes to focus on the results of efforts, not processes or mechanisms. In other words, imagine the ultimate goal in your head, such as a handshake to close a deal or a soccer ball jumping into the corner of the net. This helps you “practice skill clues” to perform with the autopilot, rather than immersing yourself in the pool of performance horror in the prefrontal cortex.Always think of you conduct Want to happen, and what are you conduct I want to say, not what you don’t say. (Because we think, we tend to create. Self-fulfilling prophecies are real.)
Take a break Before Event
We all give time to exhale and celebrate rear Do what you are nervous about. But it’s worth giving that moment to yourself in advance. This will challenge the world’s pioneers, but “just before the event is not the time to concentrate or squeeze,” says Baylock. According to her research, “in fact, it’s beneficial to go back just before what you’re trying to do.” So take a walk, listen to a podcast, or train before the moment of truth of that high pressure. Don’t feel guilty about receiving or receiving. Science says you may do better for it.
Why we “chalk” under pressure (and how to avoid it)
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