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Why use an eSIM card the next time you travel

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Photo: TravnikovStudio ((((Shutterstock).

When traveling to a new country, many of us buy a SIM card as soon as we land, It’s often a frustrating experience. You need to find the kiosk, submit the appropriate documents, make the payment, and then wait for activation. Instead, what if you could skip the entire charade and get a local connection and reasonable rates instantly??? come in, Travel eSIM.

What is Travel eSIM?

The “e” in eSIM stands for embedding. Many of today’s flagship smartphones are shipped with an electronic SIM card built-in. All iPhones on the iPhone XR and all Pixels on the Pixel 2 support this. Make many Samsung calls. ((((You may check this List of eSIM compatible devices Check if your smartphone has this feature. )

Also, since this is a built-in SIM, you don’t need a physical SIM card to access the carrier network. You can adjust everything using the built-in software (if your carrier supports eSIM). This means that you can connect to the new network and use it as a data connection while receiving calls with your primary number.

Method Get eSIM for overseas travel

There is no physical SIM card, so all you need is an app. You will need to follow the instructions to add the eSIM connection to your phone (the app you choose will guide you through this process, as the process can be a bit tricky, we recommend that you follow the instructions carefully).

There are several apps and services that support this feature. Hora free, Ilaro, OneSimCardWhen Surf loam.. Prices and support networks vary depending on the service you use and the country you are traveling to.

Image of an article titled Why Use an eSIM Card The Next Time You Travel

image: Ilaro

For example, Airalo There are decent data charges in 190 countries. For example, you can get a 1GB data pack for Turkey for $ 5 and a 10GB data pack for $ 18. Both are valid for one month.

Here’s how it works on Airalo: Sign up for an account, select your country and data pack, then buy your data pack first (this is a prepaid card, so you can easily track your data usage —In addition, there is no sticker shock at the end).So Depending on whether you’re using an iPhone or Android, you’ll see instructions on how to add your country’s Airaloe SIM to your phone.

one time If enabled, you can rename the eSIM connection to make it easier to find. You can use both connections at the same time. Similarly (although the battery drains faster). You can also monitor data usage in the app. eSIM can be manually disabled from your mobile phone settings.

Now that the setup is complete, be sure to disable the data connection on your primary SIM card while traveling. If you run out of data, you can go back to the app and buy additional data packs.

[Jeremy Burge]

Why use an eSIM card the next time you travel

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