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Why iPhone takes a long time to install updates automatically

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Photo: nikkimeel ((((Shutterstock).

iPhone “Automatic updatingIf you use the feature to download and install a new version of iOS, you will have to wait for the next update for a while. You may not notice it until someone sends you an invisible emoji or is cursed by a red pop-up telling you that a new version is available. Begging the question: WWhy doesn’t the iPhone install automatically as soon as Apple releases a new update?

On the iPhone, software updates are more than just new features. Unlike other platforms, Apple does not separate feature updates from security patches, but combines them into a single installation. Therefore, from a security point of view, it is important to download the new version of iOS as soon as possible. For example, the last iOS update, iOS 15.5, Introduced 27 patches for security vulnerabilities Discovered in previous software versions.

Apple will provide new software updates for compatible iPhones to everyone at about the same time.Theoretically, you can install a new update as soon as it’s released to the iOS community, but the automatic update feature lags behind that.

Why wait for Apple to automatically install updates on iPhone

After all, it’s intentional. According to Craig FederighiSenior Vice President of Software Engineering at Apple, the company is waiting for one To 4 weeks to publish new updates to users who have automatic updates enabled. The idea here is to make sure that the software doesn’t have any obvious bugs that could adversely affect the iPhones of millions of people.MeIf such a bug is discovered, Apple can pull the update plug early to limit collateral damage, patch the bug, and reissue the update later.

Of course, this strategy wasn’t the only strategy adopted to eradicate bugs. Each version of iOS is first Run beta test Before the general public sees it. BBoth developer and public tester eta testers install an initial version of the software on their device and report any issues to Apple. Beta versions often go through multiple versions before release, as Apple improves the experience based on feedback from testers.

Beta testing is essential for general-purpose software development, but the pool of testers isn’t big enough to find all the major bugs. Everyone has the opportunity to download new updates manually when they become available, but most of the community doesn’t download them either because automatic updates are enabled or because they don’t care about updates in the first place. ..

This gives Apple the opportunity to perform an informal second round of “testing.” If everything goes well after a week, the company will start rolling out updates to those with automatic updates turned on. Its deployment increases over time, with 100% availability after 4 weeks.

The fastest way to install a new iOS update on your iPhone

Unfortunately, there is no way to increase your location with automatic lines. Whenever Apple decides to roll out an update to your device, it’s time to update on its own. If you want to make sure your iPhone is always fully updated, you have to manually check for new updates and install them yourself.To do so, you can head to Settings> General> Software Update..

If you are using automatic updates[iOS更新のダウンロード]When[iOS更新のインストール]Make sure both are enabled. Settings> General> Software Updates> Automatic Updates.. The former only downloads new updates to your iPhone, but doesn’t actually install them until you do so yourself. In that case, it doesn’t matter when Apple publishes automatic updates to the iPhone.I’m waiting forever for you to act.

Why iPhone takes a long time to install updates automatically

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