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Who are the Tri Guys?A guide for adults who are indifferent to child culture

Image from article titled 'The Out-of-Touch Adults' Kid Culture Guide: What Are Tri Guys?

This week young people all over the world are going through the pain of knowing that someone you admire is actually a hypocrite and a fool. , for kids with unbroken hearts, it feels like watching Stone Cold Steve Austin, knowing that “Tri Guy” Ned Fulmer cheated on his wife. I felt you

Ned Fulmer and Adam Levine sex scandal

In recent weeks, two extramarital scandals have swept the online debate. “Tri Guy” Alleged attempt with producer Ned Fulmer, Various imbrolios of singer Adam Levine. Both men are conscientious and romantic, A faithful.

I didn’t know who or what “Try Guy” was until a few days ago. Eurorack Analog Synthesizer Tutorial Although it doesn’t overlap with the Try Guy demographic, Everyone started talking about Ned Fulmer. Here’s a quick explanation in case you’re like me.

What is Tri Guys?

The Tri Guys were Ned Fulmer, Keith Habersberger, Zach Kornfeld and Eugene Lee Yang.Nearly 8 million people follow YouTube channel Where they try things like making sushi, wearing a corsetand eat everything with taco bellTry Guys’ friendly, inclusive and non-controversial content has made them like surrogate fantasy dads for all the kids on YouTube. But this week Video of Ned Fulmer having sex with a woman Someone who wasn’t his wife hit Reddit and the illusion was shattered.

Fulmer, his sincere, kind of silly online personality, got a lot out of him. repeated mention How much he loves his wife and children seems to connect with one of the show’s producers, and they were brave enough to be seen canoeing in public. dropped from the show Fulmer tweeted Many young people have learned a lesson about the conflict between someone’s public persona and the whims of their heart.

what did you do What about Adam Levine?

And then there’s Adam Levine. Young people probably don’t care much about the apparent infidelity of dinosaur rock stars like Levine in Maroon 5. ,You should be careful.

Started on TikTok when I was 23year old model summer straw posted a video She claimed to have had an affair with Levin. name a child after her.

Levine denied the relationship, but addressed it as “inappropriate” and “crossing the line.” more Woman came forward When Explicit text publishedleading to a lot of online fun of Levine’s skills as a sexter.

Reddit mods declare Texas Governor Greg Abbott a piss baby

In decisions that can have a huge impact on everyone on social media, In addition to redefining the First Amendment, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently upheld the lower court’s decision This essentially gives Texas the right to moderate content on Facebook and YouT.ube, Twitter and all other large online platforms.By law, this siteYou can’t ban people because of their political views. This led to widespread accusations that Texas Governor Greg Abbott was a piss baby.

exercise started reddit political humor subredditthe moderator wrote to every comment on the board, which has 1.5 million members, “Greg Abbott is a piss baby.” Prevent users from getting banned.

“Mod team has a sound mind and body and explicitly censors the view that Greg Abbott is not a piss baby,” said moderator blatantly conservative posted on subreddthat.

It’s not clear whether Reddit’s unpaid moderators “count” in law, or whether moderators can legally ban users from only parts of the site based on politics, but the ambiguity of this law , is one of the reasons for doing so. troublesome.

It’s hard to imagine the law being able to withstand the next level of appeal.He appears to be forcing private companies to publish statements they disagree with. I’m against the First Amendment, but it’s also hard to believe that we’ve gotten this far in the first place. All I know for sure is that Greg Abbott is a piss baby.

The splendor and glory of “Death Diving”

I discovered a new extreme sport and am totally hooked. Death diving, or dodding, is like the opposite of competitive diving. Instead of complex tricks performed with precision, dødsers he throws himself off a 10- or 14-meter diving platform and moves around wildly. Instead of a perfect vertical arc, Death Diver dives across the pool as far as possible. Death Diver aims to displace a large amount of water instead of splashing as little as possible, and at the end he only evades Painful Berry her flop that switches to crab position in 2 seconds.it’s hilarious and you have to watch now video.

The sport began in Norway in the 1960s as a way for divers to impress young women, but has grown in popularity in recent years. ESPNThis is at a dangerous crossroads. As an hour-plus fan, I don’t want death diving to get in the way of skateboarding. It would be cool if it was the Olympics or something – apparently there’s a way to determine who did it “best” – but on the other hand, I’d like to smash the unique and ridiculous spirit of the sport. Dødsing is not about money or fame.it should be about Dosing.

Viral Video of the Week: The Last of Us Teaser

This week, HBO posted the first trailer for its upcoming series based on the critically acclaimed video game. Last of Us, Everyone in the gamer world has seen it. This series and game tells the story of Joel and Ellie, the last two of him left alive after a zombie apocalypse. Great peace of mind for gamers everywhere, the teaser looks and feels like a game.The setting and characters are like this rightas if the series would stick closely to its source material.

Does this mean it will be a good show? do not know. Hollywood doesn’t have a good track record for this sort of thing.Many fans wondered why the video game adaptation was What doesn’t hit like the game they’re based on is that the movie producers change too much. Games and movies are not compatible.Even though he thinks the HBO series is as fast-paced and emotionally charged as the game, so what?Don’t gamers just want a collection of cutscenes? But I’m usually wrong about these things.let’s see someday Last of Us Coming in 2023.

Who are the Tri Guys?A guide for adults who are indifferent to child culture

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