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When to see the last Supermoon in 2022

Don & # 39; image of the article titled t Miss the Final Supermoon of the Year

Photo: Bill Anastasiu ((((Shutterstock).

Even if you’ve been busy for the past four months and haven’t been able to see the supermoon, you can still catch the last month of the year. On August 11th, if you can take the time to look at heaven, you will be able to see the complete “Sturgeon Moon”. The full moon in August reaches peak lighting at 9:36 pm on the east coast. It’s in the southeastern part of the sky, but you can’t miss it.

As a bonus, if you stay up until midnight on the 11th, you can see the moon within 4 degrees of Saturn. You should be able to see the ring-shaped planet beneath the moon with the naked eye, but binoculars and telescopes can improve your experience.You are right You can also see the Perseids meteor shower, but the full moon is too bright to see everything except the largest meteor shower.

Anyway, what is a super moon?

A supermoon is a full moon that occurs when the moon is relatively close to the earth and near the perigee. Being close, it looks a little brighter and a little bigger than anyone other than Supermoon.

August full moon names: Sturgeon Moon, Hungry Ghost Moon, etc.

Due to the many cultures that use / use the lunar calendar, there are many informal names for each month. Among the names we use for the month of August is “Sturgeon Moon” for the United States.according to Old Farmers Almanac, The name is because “the giant sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain was most easily caught at this time of summer.”

Other candidates for the August moon name include the Cree “Flying Up Moon”, the Algonquian and Ojibwe favorite “Corn Moon”, and the Assiniboine “Black Cherries Moon”. But my favorite name for this month comes from China, where the seventh month of the year is called the “Hungry Ghost Moon”.

Ghost Festival: When the dead walk the earth

The Ghost Festival, which is celebrated throughout the month in China and neighboring countries, peaks at the full moon on August 12. It’s a bit like Halloween or Diaz de la Smuertos. The barrier between the living and the dead is thinning, and the spirits of the deceased walk the globe in search of food, entertainment and trouble.

The job of livelihood is to soothe the dead by arranging food for them, burning incense and money, and leaving the first row open for ghosts in performances. Remembered spirits are generally cool, but homeless spirits can be mischievous and murderous.This is the reason You shouldn’t go swimming during the hungry ghost festival.. In that case, the spirit of the deceased may drag you to the bottom of the lake, and next year it will be you wandering in search of free meals and front row seats.

When to see the last Supermoon in 2022

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