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What is video wall?


Video wall is a piece of equipment that consists of a series of monitors physically connected in arrangement so as to form one large screen. They are usually composed of LCD or LED panels.

Among other purposes, video walls are used in monitoring and control rooms, advertising, and in shows.

The display wall, or as it is more commonly known Video Wall, is a system that can be composed of overhead projection cubes, professional LCD or LED monitors, stacked and lined up in a modular fashion, forming a single video matrix.

Initially the overhead projectors for the Video Wall cubes came equipped with halogen lamps, where the light emitted by the overhead projector went through a rotating color system (color wheel), generating red, green and blue light where these are directed onto the DMD chip, which through its micro-mirror reflects all the light to the cube’s screen. The different densities and shades of light reproduce more than 16 million colors with resolutions that can reach up to 1920x1080p per cube.

The Video Wall System based on the lamp retro projection technology was impressive at the beginning of its operation, but besides the high cost of maintenance of this system where there was the need for replacement of color wheels, sources and lamps, there was also the serious problem of the difference in brightness in the same panel, that is, each cube visually presented a different brightness. This occurs because the lamps present different consumptions wear from one another. Video Wall manufacturers developed software to adjust from time to time the power usage of each lamp, but this would only be a palliative, because in a short period the cubes presented a new difference between them, giving an unpleasant aspect to the panel.

In mid-2009 began to hear about the new LED back projection technology in Brazil and in this case the light machine composed of 03 LED lamps (Red, Green and Blue). This process simplified the construction of the Video Wall panel formed by cubes, eliminating the color wheel and promoting the process through something like a prism, reflecting directly on the DMD chip and generating the more than 16 million colors.

The power of the LED lamps is now automatically controlled by an on-board management system, keeping all the cubes of a video wall panel at the same brightness and resolution, even after years of use. We have seen panels in operation for two years with the same appearance as when new, without any interventions for adjustments during this period, i.e., it can be said that now the rear-projection cubes are really ideal equipment for 24×7 operation for long periods.

Video wall rental or LED screen click 

According to the manufacturers, the LED lamp has a useful life in 24×7 operation (24 hours x 7 days a week) for a period equal to or exceeding 80,000 hours (between 9 and 10 years).

Some studies indicate that the new Video Wall Panels with LED rear projection, despite having a higher purchase start, can bring savings of approximately 40% in 10 years of continuous operation.

The great advantage of the cubes, both the ones with allogeneic or LED lamps, is the inexistence of borders separating one screen from the other in all directions. When the cubes are joined together to form a video wall panel, the separation of the screens can reach 0.2mm in some manufacturers, a little more than a strand of hair. This allows the image to remain practically unique without any interference on them.

At the same time, the LFD, or more commonly known as Industrial LCD, also appeared for 24×7 continuous operation. At first, this product was rejected by the specific market of Control Centers, where the demand for edge-free equipment was always high.

The 42-inch Industrial LCD, with a sum of 22mm (2.2cm) of borders, was 11 times bigger than the sum of the junction of the rear-projection cubes. Although the cost of the screens was more attractive, when it came to assembling an LCD panel with the same square area as the cubes, the LCD solution became unfeasible, because it required a large number of monitors more than the cubes and a graphics manager with a much larger number of digital outputs, making the solution many times more expensive.

A few months later a new product appeared in the Industrial LCD line, the LFD 46″ where the sum of the edges reached the incredible 7.2mm, a little more than half a centimeter. This aroused the interest of some Control Centers that began to invest in the new technology and ended up spreading in several Control Centers.

In 2010 this sum of edges was already at 6.7mm and currently the LFD with LED Backlight has only 5.5mm of sum with Full HD resolution (1920x1080p).

For the perfect alignment of the screens, whether they are rear-projection cubes or LFD, each manufacturer has developed its own fixing support or base, where these supports allow the