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What is the unwritten rule of parking etiquette?

What is the unwritten rule of parking etiquette?Image of the article titled

Photo: diy13 ((((Shutterstock).

I I recently asked Lifehacker readers For them Unbreakable rules of driving etiquette, A hot take subcategory has arrived. In addition to the road rules, the parking rules seem to deserve their own space (intended for puns).

Have you ever walked towards a car in the parking lot and noticed a Kia Sorento on the tail? If you exclude the kidnapping (hopefully), it’s clear that the driver is chasing your parking lot, not you.They stay long because they are lurking and waiting for you to get rid of They can hook the opening. And there’s nothing obviously illegal about getting someone back into the parking lot, but here’s the problem: I’m waiting for me to clean up my very fragile body and space for £ 3,000 Not crazy about the dynamics of force between steel. A little parking etiquette will make the world a better place if we all can follow it.

Dear Lifehacker readers, I ask you to rip it: What is the unwritten rule of parking etiquette? Why do some people leave their shopping carts mean? Why are people who cannot park between the roads allowed on the road? Why allow especially creative and disliked drivers to turn parking into a Tetris game?

Some parking lots are particularly illegal, but don’t limit yourself to suburban parking lots. Parking and street parking are also fair games.Personally, I would love to hear about your diatribes rules Proper parallel parking.. After reading your answer, I’ll summarize the most enlightening ones in next week’s post.

What is the unwritten rule of parking etiquette?

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