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What is Dependent Personality Disorder (and it can ruin your relationship)?

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There’s endless advice out there on what to avoid to keep your relationship strong. learn each other’s love language; communicate openly about finance When sex; When get counseling As needed — and they just A few All the things you are expected to do without risking a breakup.relationship is workHowever, some elements of a successful relationship cannot be consciously controlled.For example, you may have a personality disorder that really affects the way your union works. We talked a lot about romantic implications narcissistic personality disorder When borderline personality disorderbut let’s see how Dependent Personality Disorder can affect your relationships.

What is Dependent Personality Disorder?

The definition of DPD is: According to the Cleveland Clinic:

Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) is a type of anxious personality disorder. People with DPD often feel helpless, submissive, or unable to care for themselves. They may have trouble making simple decisions.

This might just sound like a “clingy” or “troubled” person (Shouldn’t actually call you a partner), but deeper than that – and tCleveland Clinic With help, people with DPD can learn more self-confidence and independence.

DPD is one of ten personality disorders. Begins in childhood or at least by age 29. People with this disorder have a deep desire to be cared for by others and rely on those close to them for their emotional and even physical needs.they may believe Can not take care of yourself.

How does DPD affect relationships?

People with DPD may be reluctant to make their own decisions and rely on others for what to wear each day.This is just one example. In a romantic partnership, both sides are expected to care for each other, manage their finances, take care of their homes and children, and generally act as a unit. Dress, eat, use their time, not to mention other bigger decisions they have to make.

Additionally, experts believe that DPD is more likely among people who have been in or been in abusive relationships.Experienced childhood trauma.Of course, they will seriously affect future relationships, but help your partner work Can be difficult through issues related to past abuse or trauma when they are too rejection Take personal responsibility or make your own choice.

it might be frustrating For partners without DPD, this disorder can be very detrimental even for those who have it. Dr. Suzanne Degueth White recently said: I wrote about DPD for Psychology Today “Because they crave affection, they willingly give in to the desires of their significant other, from the mundane to the monumental. , all of our daily lives are left to other people’s decisions.”

In the hands of a controlling partner, a person with DPD is at risk for truly unhealthy behavior. The Cleveland Clinic points out that people with disabilities are more likely to maintain unhealthy relationships.

What to do if you or your partner suspect you have DPD

If you or your partner are so “troubled” or clingy that it feels like one party’s decision-making has come to a complete halt and the other party is making all the choices in both people’s lives. It could be DPD, but you can find out.

Your health care provider can examine you to determine if other conditions are causing your symptoms, but a mental health professional will then ask you a few questions and help you identify the DSM-5. A DPD diagnosis is made by comparing the factors and your responses.

  • an all-consuming, unrealistic fear of being abandoned
  • Feeling anxious or helpless when alone
  • unable to fulfill one’s responsibilities without help
  • Opinion Matters
  • A strong desire to get support from others, even if you don’t like it
  • Difficulty in making daily decisions
  • Problems starting or completing projects due to lack of confidence or inability to choose
  • The urge to seek new relationships after each close relationship

Although you can chalk someone’s clingy behavior mounting styleif it really is a DPD you should know because help is available Diagnose and move Forward.

What is Dependent Personality Disorder (and it can ruin your relationship)?

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