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Use this app to watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch

Image of article titled Watch YouTube Video on Apple Watch using this app

Photo: blackzheep ((((Shutterstock).

While no one really desire Watching YouTube videos on a display as small as your Apple Watch is useful if you want to watch something quickly on the go, or if you want to see the next step in a tutorial on fixing a leaking faucet. of In those cases WatchTube that is An Apple Watch app that you can watch even if your iPhone isn’t nearby.

WatchTube Free and supports most types YouTube video. At least fOr now you can’t wCatch YouTube shorts and live videos, but most other videos need to be played..I found it The app opened fairly quickly on the Apple Watch SE and was able to load the video from the curated feed with a slight delay.The Apple Watch’s display is great, so the video isn’t too bad, Also. However, most YouTube videos do not use the square aspect ratio. in short, You know Black bars at the top and bottom of the video for correction..

Ideally You need to use Bluetooth headphones. AirPods, etc. While watching a video on WatchTube Do not drain the battery too much. Otherwise, WatchTube will play the audio from your Apple Watch speakers. This can reduce the battery by a few percent after each video. The video plays well, but the Apple Watch speakers aren’t designed for this type of audio playback. ((((You definitely don’t want to Lean This is too much to listen to music. )

WatchTube has four main screens: Carefully Selected Feeds, Search, History, and Settings. You can modify your selection of feeds to show only certain types of videos. Games, news, etc. The app also supports closed captioning, You can adjust the text size. that too. ((((this is Good option Have, you can imagine Not ideal to read caption To aw screencatch. )

Selecting a video on WatchTube will allow you to appreciate the video before it starts playing. Press the gear icon to see more options. Here you can read the instructions, enable or disable captions, read comments, generate a QR code and share the video. You can use another device to scan the QR code and play the video on the second device.

Remember thatAt this time, the app doesn’t support login, so if you want to watch videos on your Apple Watch, you’ll have to live without a careful selection of subscriptions and videos to your liking.

Use this app to watch YouTube videos on your Apple Watch

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