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Use “Companion Plants” to grow a more fruitful garden

Photo: Thoughts of joyce ((((Shutterstock).

If you are preparing to grow This year’s vegetables —Or if you need the toughest flowers available,You may want to give Companion plants try it.. Companion plants The natural properties of different plants to complement and support each other. Companion planting can help You grow better and tastier vegetables — and it’s can Save your time, money By reducing some of the usual Maintenance and its consequences Better yield..

What are companion plants?

The basic idea behind companion plants is Plants with properties that benefit each other. It was common wisdom that some plants coexist with hostile plants, but it is now believed that most plants are actually cooperative and very few species are harmful to each other. When properly cared for. Some of the features that make a difference when choosing companion plants are pest control, the need for soil minerals, and growth structure. There are also companion plants that attract pollen maters and companion plants that help control weeds.

Choosing companion plants is as easy as choosing a plant with pest problems and another plant that helps control pests, but more complex formulas are possible...Learning to help the plants in your garden work together will help you Vegetables and flowers breed, weeding, pest control, maintenance You need to, not to mention reducing watering, It saves you money.

A common example of companion plants

The most common example of companion plants is three sisters. Corn, mountaineering beans, pumpkin. These plants grow well together because they naturally add nitrogen to the soil that corn needs to grow, and corn provides a structure for beans to climb. Squash spreads low and helps retain soil moisture, Not only shading weeds. Some varieties of pumpkin are also resistant to pests due to the thorny fur on the vines and leaves.

MGreat companion of ore Combinations to consider

There are too many companion planting configurations to list all the possibilities here, but here are some examples to get you started. Asparagus goes well with tomatoes, calendula and petunias. These plants help stop the asparagus beetles. Zucchini goes well with buckwheat and oregano. Because buckwheat invites friendly pests.Eat insects, Oregano has some natural insecticidal properties, A flower that attracts pollen maters.

Carrots grow well with chives, rosemary and sage — chives Helps stop mites, aphids and flies, And they Is actually being considered Improves the flavor of carrots.Rosemary and sage help by repelling Carrots fly..

Learn and plan using the app

I’m new to companion plants, but if you want to give it a try, or if you want to expand your experience beyond just planting tomatoes with basil, the Farmer’s Armanac app You can identify Various varieties of companion plants via a large database. It costs $ 30 a year, but it helps you learn from the experts. trial and error..

Use “Companion Plants” to grow a more fruitful garden

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