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Update Chrome on Android and Windows as soon as possible

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Photo: VideoBCN ((((Shutterstock).

If you use Google Chrome on Windows or Android, To Please update as soon as possible.There is new browser Update Each platform include A patch for a newly discovered security vulnerability. Bad news: One of these security flaws is a known exploit. This means that your browser and its data will be at risk unless you update it now.

Google has confirmed these updates on the Chrome release blog. Windows When Android.. Windows users should do the following: Update to version 103.0.5060.114, but Android users will see version 103.0.5060.71. According to the company, these updates patch four security vulnerabilities in Chrome for Windows. Three vulnerabilities in Chrome for Android. Oddly, but Google omitted one Vulnerability from it list:

  • [$TBD][1341043] High CVE-2022-2294: WebRTC heap buffer overflow. Reported on 2022-07-01 by Jan Vojtesek of the Avast Threat Intelligence Team
  • [$7500][1336869] High CVE-2022-2295: Type confusion in V8. Reported by avaue and Buff3tts on SSL 2022-06-16
  • [$3000][1327087] High CVE-2022-2296: Used after release in Chrome OS shell. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2022-05-19 (Desktop Only)

It’s important to protect yourself from all possible security bugs, but this is the first of the three most worrisome bugs, as Google has confirmed in the update log that a known exploit for CVE-2022-2294 actually exists. It is. If there is an exploit for a security vulnerability, it means that at least someone knows how to exploit the bug, if not yet.that is dangerousBecause billions of Chrome users on Windows and Android could be at risk until the bug is fixed and the device is updated...

CVE-2022-2294 is a buffer overflow vulnerability. This happens when the program tries to write more data to the memory location than it can accept in the memory location. overflow In another space.These vulnerabilities are not uncommon, but once discovered, they could be exploited by malicious users... If Chrome isn’t fully updated on your PC or Android device, you’re at risk..

At this time, Google is not publicly aware of the exploitation of other vulnerabilities, but such exploitation may eventually be discovered. The longer you wait for an update, the more vulnerabilities you need to address.

For some reason, these security flaws don’t seem to affect Mac or iOS users.As such, you don’t See new updates for Chrome Still on these platforms..

How to update Google Chrome on Windows and AnDroid

Update Chrome now to protect your browser and data..To do soupon For Windows, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of your browser Window, then select Help> About Google Chrome.. Allow Chrome to look for new updates. If One is available. Select Restart to install the update in your browser.

To update the app on Android, please visit the Google Play Store. Search Google Chrome and next to the app[更新]Choose. If you have auto-update enabled, your app may be updated automatically.[開く]If only the options are displayed, they are all set.

[How-To Geek]

Update Chrome on Android and Windows as soon as possible

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