Twerk, OMG, Tricked Out, and eight other slang terms that are much older than you think
Making jokes about someone else’s mother, especially having a sexual relationship with another person’s mother, is at least 3,500 years old, and the phrase is about as old as your mother.
Some of the “Yo Mama” jokes Babylonian tablet It was created around 1500 BC. This fragment was probably found in a collection of ancient riddles written by students and contains the following text:
.. Your mom is by someone who has sex with her. What / who is it?
[No answer]
For a more complete yo-mama joke, see the mother’s boyfriend, William Shakespeare. Titus Andronicas.. Published in 1594, the play includes the following dialogue:
Demetrius: “Villain, what did you do?”
Aaron: “What you can’t undo.”
Chiron: “You have restored our mother.”
Aaron: “Villain, I did your mom.”
Twerk, OMG, Tricked Out, and eight other slang terms that are much older than you think
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