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Today’s letter: About closing the bridge.About the benefits of dress code

Wednesday, May 18: It is ruthless to close the transit pedestrian bridge before the exchange takes place, says one letter writer. Others have some ideas about proper clothing. Write to us: letters@ottawacitizen.com

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Another example of a bad plan to remove a bridge

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I sympathize with the teachers who want to teach young people the right clothes to wear (and work later) at school. If my parents didn’t do the job, who would do it?

The problem of improper clothing has been at work for over 20 years. I was the president of my management consulting company. My client, the president of a large company, asked me if I (60 years old at the time) would also accept a contract to teach all women in his organization. I declined because I knew it wasn’t a role model for women to follow. Young women take dress clues from the entertainment world, not the business world.

Recently, the daughter of a friend who had a PhD in Psychology had to do a one-year internship. In her first year, she was overlooked and sacrificed her professional year of work. In her second year, her interviewer said she was giving her a second chance. She was told to put on her clothes and come back tomorrow to work for this organization. She did so and was accepted.

Years of progress for women in all disciplines are threatened not by the CEO’s office, but by the women themselves on stage. Sadly, few role models can be expected to find them.

Eileen Howell, Stittsville

Dress code does not discriminate

Re: Do I really need to impose a dress code on Ottawa high school students? May 16th.

I checked the dress code at Béatrice-Desloges Catholic High School. Muscle shirts are actually banned. There is no discrimination regarding the dress code.

Martin Danjou, Ottawa

Today’s letter: About closing the bridge.About the benefits of dress code

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