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“Tilling” leaves with cardboard

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Photo: Givafoto (shutter stock)

raking leaves pain in the buttocksIt was slow, wet, cold and trigger your allergiesYou have to do it but yeah This task is tedious, but people have come up with various hacks and devices that help them do it more efficientlyYou can scoop the leaves plastic or tarp Also blanket transport them. However, a method that has become increasingly popular in recent years is And you’re probably already lying down and probably with something you want to get rid of: cardboard.

How to “plow” leaves using cardboard

Instead of going to the store to buy a large piece of plastic, it should be stored somewhere in an already crowded garage.this tip is everywhere Bob Billa To pop sugar to, for some reason, Geico.

One of the reasons this trick is so popular is that you almost certainly have a cardboard box by now. Whether you love or hate Amazon, the online shopping revolution is sure to reach your home, I know that means an excess of boxes. Grab a big one and do the following:

  • Identify the largest piece of cardboard. This is probably the longer side panel.
  • cut off the flap
  • cut off the corners on the sides of the box
  • remove 2 large pieces

Congratulations. The plow is ready. this next The part is very easy. Hold a flat piece of cardboard on the ground and push it across the yard. Leaves accumulate on the board and can be shoved all the way to a waiting tarp, blanket, or bag. Here’s a video showing how this is done:

Scoop the leaves out of cardboard

some catches

If it’s raining where you live and the lawn and leaves are wet, the cardboard will inevitably get wet, which will gradually weaken. This is best done with dry or slightly damp leaves, but the advantage of cutting large boxes is that you can create multiple plows. When the first cardboard becomes too wet to function, replace it.

This affects the recyclability of cardboard. Around green matteryou’ll need to let the damp cardboard dry before attempting recycling, but check with your local recycling center. they want it. Water can break down some important fibers, making cardboard unusable for recycling. You can also consider chopping up cardboard and composting it. This is twice as easy if you’ve already composted the leaves.

“Tilling” leaves with cardboard

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