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This site will help you find books set in the place where you live

The image of the article titled this site will help you find the book set in the place where you live

screenshot: Joel Cunningham

I read a lot of science fiction and fantasy because books love me when I take me to a new world or imagine a new reality. Few things please me as a reader as much as picking up a book and discovering that the action is set in the city I’ve actually been to, and even in the city I live in. is not. Unfortunately, I currently live in New York City and I don’t have any books. :(

Of course, I’m JK. About 75% Many contemporary literary novels are written in Brooklyn or Manhattan. Finding a set book in my city is as easy as closing your eyes and randomly picking a title from Barnes & Noble’s Buy One Get Half Off Table. But what about those who aren’t fortunate to live on this loose garbage island? How can I find these books in the corner of the United States?

come in Books all over America, Crossword-An interactive tool created by Solver.com that allows you to enter a zip code or city to search for books that are (more or less) happening nearby. I searched and tested books in my current neighborhood in South Brooklyn and the results were fairly accurate.

The image of the article titled this site will help you find the book set in the place where you live

screenshot: Joel Cunningham

I read one of these top three results, Cavalier and Clay’s amazing adventure Deploy in the specified neighborhood of Flatbush.And the location of Jenny Ophir Speculation department More generally (I haven’t read) “Brooklyn City” (no one calls it), I read the author’s next novel, weather, I was able to identify the elementary school she describes, one block away from where I once lived.

But how does the site handle books that aren’t done in? The most popular literary setting?? I searched for some previous zip codes and the results were decent, if not a little accurate. For example, when I was in college, I lived in the neighborhood of Rogers Park in Chicago, but the zip code top match was something I read. Adam Langer is a lot of fun. Cross California, The first page of the place-specific novel contains a map of the street I was walking on every day. A more extensive search returned a valid match. Entering your local zip code (a semi-rural area of ​​Illinois), a novel set in the nearest metropolis, about 20 minutes away, was proposed.

As with any other tool like this, the results are as good as the data that produces them. This site shows that everything comes from Goodreads’ book-centric database, and not all books written so far are fully cataloged on that site. start.

This site will help you find books set in the place where you live

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