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This is the difference between a generator and a backup battery for your home

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Photo: Radovan1 (((Shutterstock).

Power outages can range from annoying to completely catastrophic, depending on the situation. North American Electric Reliability Corporation Most of the United States is at increased risk of power outages this summerAbove average temperatures and worsening drought conditions, you may be considering backup power options just in case.

What is the difference between a generator and a backup power supply?

THis main option Backup power supply You have a fuel-powered generator, or a backup power source that stores electricity when you need it-and tThese two options differ in terms of initial and long-term costs.

The Average cost to install a generator Powering the entire house is about $ 15,000..Depending on the type You installed, this generator works with natural gas, diesel or liquid propane, Or gasoline.

Backup battery The price range is $ 10,000 to $ 20,000, Plus installation cost. (Lowe’s is useful if you want to calculate the amount of backup power you need. worksheet This helps to consider the total power required for the various appliances. )

Long-term cost of backup power supply

THis long-term cost These two options are the most different. AThe initial cost of purchasing and installing a generator It’s cheaper than the cost of a battery, so it needs fuel to run. This should be included in the overall price.Meanwhile, the battery is saved Either power Comes from the grid or generated through solar panels..

The cost of running a generator Change dDepends on its size, Type of fuel required.. For example, 5kW generator Powering a small appliance or one large applianceRefrigerator, washing machine, etc. 0.75 gallons of fuel per hour.. Currently, gas averages about $ 4 per gallon.,this is It costs about $ 72 a day.Its cost, depending on how often you need to use the generator Can be summed.

This is the difference between a generator and a backup battery for your home

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