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These food prices actually fell this month

Image of an article titled These food prices actually fell this month that these food prices actually fell this month

Photo: Brian A. Jackson ((((Shutterstock).

The Bureau of Labor Statistics is their Latest consumer price index, The result is not pretty. Overall, overall commodity prices are up 1% compared to last month, food was hit harder than the other categories —1.2% increase compared to just 30 days ago.

Still, tWas here A handful of foods that actually saw the price Drop at the same time..It ’s a little eclectic group, Here are eight foods that have actually dropped in price..

Ground beef. Ground beef prices are down 0.7% compared to last month.that is Take a break before the summer barbecue. and, Restaurant quality level burgers at home..

Pork chop. Pork chop prices are down 1.7% compared to last month.Feel free to read if you want to add it to the menu How to bake them completelyWhen Why you need to consider Marinated in root beer..

Apple. very Despite a modest decline, apple prices have fallen 0.1% compared to last month.You can make with them Any of these 10 recipes..

orange. The price of oranges has dropped 1.8% compared to last month.Please store the skin later For DIY vinegar cleaning sprayAlso Use them to liven up your garden..

lettuce. Lettuce prices are down 1.8% compared to last month.now It’s the best time ever to try one of 11 Tips for Making Better Salads..

potato. Another modest decrease, but tPotato prices are down 0.1% compared to last month. WDistress them, fry them in the air, or Put them in a sandwich..

Chewing gum and candies. Chewing gum and candy prices are down 0.2% compared to last month..

bacon. Bacon prices are down 0.9% compared to last month. This is 11 ways to cook with bacon.. You can do it your Bacon grease For future recipes..

These food prices actually fell this month

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