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There is no such thing as a “clean” toothbrush

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Photo: Vilanol ((((Shutterstock).

There are two types of people in the world. A type that stores the toothbrush outdoors in the same bathroom as the toilet that spits feces (gross), a type that has difficulty covering the toothbrush regularly when not in use, using a dishwasher or a flashy UV sterilizer. Disinfect. Who do you think is following the CDC and ADA guidelines to care for toothbrushes in the two groups? Surprisingly, it’s lazy people.

But are their toothbrushes covered with bacteria and other small microbes? They are certainly so. all Toothbrushes are full of bacteria and most of them come from our mouth. This review of research on toothbrush contamination All of them report that they “found significant bacterial retention and survival on their toothbrushes after use.”

Toothbrushes start with bacteria attached (after all, they are clean from the factory, but not sterile) and quickly pick up the bacteria in your mouth. If there are disease-causing microorganisms (periodontal disease, cold labialis) in the mouth, Will If you get on a toothbrush, you will not be able to remove it completely.And here’s an interesting fact about bonuses: as toothbrushes get older, their surfaces wear out, and they can even hold more Bacteria.

You’re not going to die of toothbrush bacteria

Before we move on, let’s clarify one thing. You might think that the toothbrush has bacteria on it, but this isn’t really a health hazard for most people. CDC report People with bleeding disorders or immunosuppressed people may need to be treated orally in other ways. If that is you, talk to your doctor. For the rest of us: “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are unaware of the adverse health effects directly associated with the use of toothbrushes.”

Dry the toothbrush

What is the best way to deal with all these bacteria? According to the CDC American Dental AssociationAir drying is the key.

After brushing, rinse the toothbrush with tap water. It does not remove bacteria, but it does remove toothpaste and other lumps of gunk that can interfere with the drying process. Place the toothbrush upright in a holder that is air-dried. Drying the bacteria prevents them from growing. If you put a used toothbrush in a container or put a cap on it, Encouragement Bacterial growth. Some of the bacteria you keep out will be more numerous than those that are partying inside.

For more information on proper toothbrush care:

  • Do not share a toothbrush. Keep fluid residues on your own.
  • For the same reason, do not bring your toothbrush into contact with someone else’s toothbrush.
  • Replace when the toothbrush is worn or about every 3-4 months. Toothbrushes clean your teeth (and reduce bacteria) when they are in good condition.

If the idea of ​​bacteria makes you very big and you feel you Must ADA says the toothbrush can be soaked in Listerine or 3% hydrogen peroxide (in a brown bottle at a drugstore). This does not kill all bacteria, but it can reduce the level by 85%. (Currently, 85% of Basilions are still Basilions, but it probably makes you feel better.)

Do not put the toothbrush in the dishwasher or microwave. This may kill bacteria, but it also damages your toothbrush. Experts seem to be divided into ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers. The CDC states that the toothbrush “can be damaged.” ADA acknowledges their existence, but does not recommend agreeing or disagreeing with them.

So does my toothbrush have a poop?

So what about those toilet plumes anyway? It is true that the toilet can send water droplets into the airSome of them can evaporate into aerosols, float around the room and eventually settle on toothbrushes and other objects.

However, there are no studies that connect toilet-derived aerosols directly to toothbrushes to make people sick.Instead, there are studies such as: This paper Traces of bacteria that may have come from feces were found in 60% of the toothbrushes stored in the communal bathroom (the average bathroom was shared by 9 people). However, there was no control group in the study. This wasn’t a comparison of toothbrushes stored in the bathroom with those stored elsewhere, it was just a survey of toothbrushes. (Also, bacteria more Commonly found on toothbrushes that have been washed with mouthwash, soaking in mouthwash may not be the best way to reduce mysophobia. )

The Microbiota project, on the other hand, sequenced the microorganisms found in volunteer toothbrushes nationwide, but found no conclusive evidence of fecal bacteria colonization of the toothbrushes. (Early studies, including papers, used methods that could not determine if the bacteria came from the dung, but they appeared to belong to the same family as the common dung bacteria.) “It’s quite unlikely that you’ll find bacteria from. Our poop on your toothbrush,” said one of the authors. Told to Gizmodo..

We already know that it is better to dry the bacteria than to incubate them in a closed container, regardless of whether the toothbrush has the bacteria in the poop. If desired, the toothbrush can be stored in a separate room, but be aware of the source of stealth bacteria. It room.

There is no such thing as a “clean” toothbrush

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