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The state plan is privatization.draw from the same resource well

State Releases ‘Bold’ Prescription for Change, Aug. 19

Don’t be fooled by the Ford government’s latest healthcare plan!

It’s just a shell game and the introduction of private medicine.

Nursing and medical staff pulled from existing facilities are still needed to open more clinics.

How much do these private clinics and doctors charge OHIP to perform the same operations as hospitals?

I’m sure it will be a lot more and eventually paid for by taxpayers.

As for moving people awaiting long-term careā€¦it’s already done and it’s not working.

More nurse practitioners is a great idea, but they’re still drawn from the same pool of nurses.

Internationally trained nurses need guidance. The rest of the experienced staff needed to do this either leave or are too burnt out to help. In return for the peanuts, their workload increases again.

The public needs to voice and voice their opposition. Sooner or later, we all need healthcare.

Marg McNaughtonRN, Hamilton, Ontario.

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The state plan is privatization.draw from the same resource well

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