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The seven deadly sins of friendship

Image of an article titled The Seven Deadly Sins of Friendship

Photo: dezy ((((Shutterstock).

In 1939, Harvard scientists began Longitudinal study To “identify the psychosocial predictors of healthy aging”. This study, conducted to date, shows that the only factor that most strongly correlates with well-being with age is the quality of personal relationships. Friendship is more important than wealth, fame, brain and status.

vice versa, Robert Waldinger, a psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School“People who are more isolated than they want to be away from others are less happy, have poorer health early in middle age, have faster brain function, and are shorter-lived than those who are not lonely. Notice that. “

Research does not say how However, to keep friends. There is a volume about the subtle social navigation needed to maintain friendship, but avoiding these seven deadly sins of friendship will do much better than many.

The seven deadly sins of friendship

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