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The Seven Deadly Sins of Being an American Tourist Overseas

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Photo: BearFotos ((((Shutterstock).

My fellow American, please: men With the names of all good and holy things, stop stupid behavior when visiting other people’s nations.know all American tourists don’t behave like Orphs abroad, but they’re good enough to keep the “ugly American” stereotypes general and long-lasting.

You may be thinking. “I paid a lot of money for this vacation! Do what you want! Why do I have to worry about so many foreigners Think of me? ”

Fairpoint, my warlike friend, but avoid these seven mistakes it’s not that’s all So when you visit someone else’s house, I won’t confuse you.They are also the way for you To have a better and more meaningful vacation.

Expect to be like America

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Photo: Lukasz Pajor ((((Shutterstock).

Sadly, many parts of the foreign country (especially tourist destinations) are more Americanized, but you shouldn’t. Predict that. Too many people travel to other countries and are disappointed or frustrated that they are not like America. Not everyone puts ice in their drinks. Not everyone tells a story of their life to a stranger. Soccer is another game here. Think “I think they do this differently here” instead of “Why don’t they do this like us?” Because these differences are the reason you travel first. Get used to it.

Don’t try to speak the local language (a little)

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Photo: Maxx-Studio ((((Shutterstock).

Don’t assume that everyone speaks English, even if it’s English teeth Widely spoken in popular American tourist destinations. Learn a little about the host country’s language.Nobody you fluent, However, you will learn some basic phrases such as “Thank you” and “Where is the bathroom?” Wise, polite, and not too difficult.I have Tons of free or cheap resources online Or tell me another language in the app store.

Stupid dressing

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Photo: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH ((((Shutterstock).

You don’t have to buy a new wardrobe for each country with your Eurorail pass, but you should try to make it less noticeable. Don’t roam Paris wearing crocs and neon T-shirts. Instead, wear all black and smoke. In religious countries, do not dress modestly. Do not participate in the Renaissance Fair unless you are dressed like a witch. Not only is it polite to others, it can make your vacation more enjoyable. One of my favorite things about visiting Rome was the two Italians who asked me for directions. It passed completely!

be opposed to

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Photo: Rommel Canlas ((((Shutterstock).

I sympathize with those who are defensive and angry when traveling to other countries.When you’re surrounded by people who think and act differently than you, and you don’t get enough sleep and just want it ice With your drink, it’s easy to feel attacked and hit hard accordingly. Navigating cross-culturals can be fundamentally challenging, but you need to enjoy the challenge rather than fight it. TAfter all, hats are what you are doing here.


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Photo: Grianov Andrey ((((Shutterstock).

You may have some very fixed ideas about what you want to do on your dream vacation, but sometimes it doesn’t work. Please match it. Rigidity is the enemy of a new experience. A few years ago, my wife and I were in Paris for Thanksgiving. On the way to the gorgeous French place we chose, we said “Americans-Style Thanksgiving dinner. The plan soon changed and I decided to eat this strange family-style French-American fusion dish with a local college student and a former American Pat. Much better than our snooty first choice.

Haven’t learned the basic habits

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Photo: Dragon one ((((Shutterstock).

No one expects Americans to visit Japan and remember the form of the tea ceremony, but speaking loudly is frowned upon and expected to take off their shoes when entering someone’s house. You need to know that. Learning local customs is a common etiquette, but you don’t have to sweat too much. If you ruin something, most people in most places allow you to be ignorant tourists —Unless you’re a jackass about it.

Believe in stereotypes about others

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Photo: Masson ((((Shutterstock).

Just as most Americans are not “ugly American” stereotypes, people in other countries are not their stereotypes either. For example, many Canadians are totally rude. Most people in France are very kind, even if they find you. I am American. Both are important to be a decent ambassador to the United States.S. enjoy Meaningful vacations are unexpectedly open. If you do, people will surprise you with how wonderful they are. The usual.

The Seven Deadly Sins of Being an American Tourist Overseas

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