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The most overrated tourist destinations (and places to go instead)

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Photo: Nadiia_foto ((((Shutterstock).

You are a savvy traveler who knows how Plan all the detailsMethod Avoid tourist trapsAnd how Become a tourist without becoming a disliked person.. Still, even the smartest travelers may not be able to resist the desire to check out the most popular attractions. Even if those attractions are overrated. When in Rome, visit the Colosseum. When you’re in Paris, you have to look at the Eiffel Tower. This is the logic that drives hundreds of thousands of tourists into the Great Wall of China, the Great Pyramids of Giza, and the traps of all the other great tourists in the world.

After pandemic travel restrictions and safety concerns, the long-awaited travel plans you have this summer should be worth every moment. The last thing you want as a traveler is to discover that you are wasting your time and money and are only completely overwhelmed. Severe disappointment is also known as Paris Syndrome.Officially created as a way to explain Physical illness experienced by Japanese tourists in Paris in 1986The term can now be considered a serious form of culture shock, homesickness, and ultimately disappointment when a destination is not possible. Meet very high expectations.

In many cases, hype is more than attractive. This leads to a dire experience that would have been better spent in overcrowded, scammers, and often underrated tourist destinations. Here are some of the overrated and popular destinations. Travel ideas that is Worth it for a while.

The most overrated tourist destination

About my reasoning here: I’m not really trying to blame the whole city or region as an “overestimate” because I believe smart travelers are worth any city () I love to make fun of French people).You’ll hear people call many of the popular attractions that are overrated for “scammers” on the ground, but personally, you’re expected to lose a few dollars of invoices. I believe it takes into account the “tourism tax” Here and there for those who use some of the travelers.

And pReese doesn’t think I’m literally an arrogant American disrespect cultural icon like the Taj Mahal.This is my insight into which tourist attraction very Worth all the time, money and jet lag.

Mona Lisa in Paris

The louver Is the most visited museum in the world and offers a large selection of works of art. However, be prepared to be disappointed if the main draw is visiting the Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Not only are the paintings much smaller in real life, but the crowds around them do not have exactly the best artistic appreciation. For the chaotic museums of Paris, try the Musée d’Orsay and the Picasso Museum.

Monkey Forest, Ubud

Wild monkeys are ubiquitous in Bali, so there is no reason to contribute to this overwhelming zoo-like park. It is known to be overly aggressive as it is crowded with tourists and the monkeys here are accustomed to humans. In general, you want to study the ethics of animal-centric attractions (like Thai elephant rides).If you are looking to see wild monkeys while in this area, consider Mount Batur or Uluwatu Temple..

Taj Mahal, Agra

This structure is undeniably magnificent, but it’s one of the attractions that is so crowded that you can’t understand where you are. From sunrise to sunset, there is no secret time that will not overwhelm you. When I visited, I wanted to skip this stop in Agra in favor of spending another day exploring the beautiful Udaipur instead.

Italy, Pisa

After getting your precious photo pretending to be supporting the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa generally looks too crowded to get in the way, but the rest of Italy There are many things we can offer.

Dublin Temple Bar

Also the name of Dublin’s nightlife center, this Temple Bar embodies a frequently photographed pub with its iconic red walls. While it’s worth a walk in the cobblestone neighborhood, the bar itself is an expensive and crowded tourist trap.

Jemaa el-Fna (famous Marrakech market)

Marrakech, Morocco is well worth the bucket list. However, the iconic market is best speeded up before leaving the main square and entering the old town. You can look like a tourist. In that case, this market will be stuffy for many vendors yelling at you. This place is known for pickpockets, so be sure to keep your belongings with you when passing.

Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge is quite difficult to visit, so I think it has a reputation for being “overrated.” You have to stay away from London all day long. Upon arrival, tourists will find that they are not very close to the iconic rocks. And look: I don’t think tourists should be allowed to climb rocks. But personally, I really want to be able to climb rocks. myself! (There, the arrogance of my Americans is shown.).

Hoviton, New Zealand

New Zealand is worth visiting for many reasons, but these tourist trap hobbit houses are not one of them. Lord of the Ring Fans need to investigate to see more of the natural beauty that New Zealand has provided as a major filming location for their favorite movies. Unfortunately, Hobbiton-specific tours are expensive, fast-paced, and It is jammed.

Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, Kyoto

This bamboo garden is definitely amazing, but again, the number of tourists around you is so large that it can be difficult to capture the surroundings.Consider visiting one of Kyoto’s small, underrated bamboo-covered paths Kodaiji Temple..

Geneva, Switzerland

Lake Geneva offers great views and fun water activities, but the city is so expensive that it’s hard to budget for more than a day here.


OK. This is a technique.Not hawaiiI am overrated.You shouldn’t go because there are people Please do not come..

Where to plan your next vacation instead

I was able to spend the day listing alternatives for your next big vacation. For now, here are some of my top picks that will appeal to you.

Sightseeing spots you can do right

  • Angkor Wat, Cambodia. I’m biased because I lived in Cambodia magically, but I think this popular destination is worth the time if done right. These vast ancient Buddhist temples are huge enough to easily depart from remote roads and avoid overwhelming crowds. Be sure to get there at sunrise.
  • Great Pyramid. Again, I’m biased because I visited Giza during the tourist off-season (late June). Many would say that they overestimate the pyramids, but I don’t think it’s possible to please them for some reason being spoiled. Book a private tour guide that is knowledgeable and turns your back on aggressive vendors. Don’t forget to tilt your guide generously at the end of the day.
  • Halong Bay, Vietnam. It may not look exactly like what it looks like James bond Although it’s a movie, this moody seascape is still a great cruise. It is advisable to book a group tour that includes kayaking and cave exploration.
  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Don’t feel bad about skipping the red-light district in favor of the trendy Jordanian district. moreover, Van Gogh Museum It’s one of my favorite places in the world.
  • Bangkok, Thailand: Skip the Great Palace and admire Wat Phra Kaew, Wat Pho and Wat Arun. Try all kinds of great food stalls along the way.

Destinations to add to the bucket list

The next city is not yet completely overwhelmed by tourists.

  • Udaipur, India. It is a little more peaceful and widespread compared to other popular cities in India.
  • Peru, Lima. A vibrant capital that is often overlooked.
  • Brussels, Belgium. Be sure to book a chocolate tour.
  • Chile, Valparaiso.. From street art to rainbow houses, the city is incredibly colorful.
  • Puglia, Italy. Wine, pasta, beach.
  • Budapest, Hungary. “Small Paris in Central Europe”.
  • Dubrovnik, Croatia. Tired of hobbyton? This is the main shooting location for HBO’s King’s Landing. Game of Thrones..
  • Faroe Islands in Denmark. Here the number of sheep exceeds 70,000 to 50,000 for humans.
  • Java, Indonesia. It has fewer visitors than Bali, but it’s just as beautiful.
  • Petra, Jordan. Known as “Rose City,” Petra is a series of caves, temples, tombs, Ruins carved from pink sandstone.
  • Luang Prabang, Laos. The perfect spot for a day trip to the stunning Aqua Falls.
  • Taipei, Taiwan. There is a mortal culinary scene in this capital.

It all comes down to research

As mentioned at the beginning, a little research at the beginning will help you get the most out of any trip. I’m not saying you should plan every minute of your vacation. Spend some time online to find the perfect time and season to plan your visit, and collect site-specific tips from all the free travel blogs available online. Wherever you go, manage your expectations and try to understand what you are working on.

The most overrated tourist destinations (and places to go instead)

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