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The easiest way to get all the unpopped kernels from popcorn

Image of the article titled The easiest way to get all the unpopped kernels from popcorn

Photo: Claire Lower

TikTok posters tend to exaggerate their claims.they Make all sorts of promises to “blow your mind” and “change the way you do xyz”, and I love telling you this “doing the wrong thing” All the while. But removing all the exaggerations, their claims often have a core of truth.

For example, the video above contains a very good way to get rid of the nasty unpopped kernel from a microwave popcorn bag. It starts with telling the woman not to touch the slit at the top of the bag. “The slit is for a reason” means that the slit was designed to help popcorn eaters get rid of the kernel. (This is an exaggeration I’m talking about. The main “reason” for the slit to exist is to let steam escape during popping, but in reality can Used for kernel-The purpose of removal. Yes, I recognize that I am pedantic. )

At first the slit was too small.

At first the slit was too small.
Photo: Claire Lower

The procedure to remove the kernel is simple. If you flip the bag over and shake it, small pieces of popcorn will fall out of the slit, leaving the popcorn behind. At first, the slit was too small, so I had to pull it a little to open it, but otherwise it was as instructed.

Image of the article titled The easiest way to get all the unpopped kernels from popcorn

Photo: Claire Lower

I flipped the bag over, cut it off on the bowl, and started shaking. After a few violent shakes, the kernel started to fall. I shook it until the kernel didn’t fall, opened the bag and checked for anything left inside.

Surprisingly, there were no unpopped kernels left. Each one went through the slit and fell out of the bag — 100% success rate! So the next time you realize you’re hungry for a bag of microwave popcorn sans kernels, don’t touch that slit. Turn it over and shake it to create a completely popped, fluffy corn bag ready to munching.

The easiest way to get all the unpopped kernels from popcorn

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