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The difference between a bonus room and a bedroom (and its importance)

Image from the article titled Differences between a bonus room and a bedroom (and why it matters)

Photo: Ursula Page (shutter stock)

Realtors, like other professional groups, often communicate using a dense jargon used to obscure a property’s shortcomings and highlight its features. This goes from being small and fragmented in meaning, using phrases like ‘cozy and inviting’, to broadening the definition of the word ‘bedroom’ to being big enough to fit a sleeping bag. It can range from including small rooms. However, one of the most baffling phrases thrown by realtors is “bonus room.”

if you ever bought a house (Also I saw people do it on TV), you’ve probably heard the term and wondered what it actually means. The name is certainly exciting, but it’s actually not that interesting.

What is a “bonus room”?

Essentially, a bonus room is a room defined by its lack of purpose. Most rooms in the house have a specific purpose. Sleep in the bedroom, bathe in the bathroom, cook in the kitchen. Bonus rooms have no special purpose. It’s just empty space.bonus room concept Came to prominence when the open floor plan trend began decades ago—those huge open spaces were pretty noisy and lacked privacy, so you more or less needed another space that could be used for almost any purpose.frog) ended, the bonus room skyrocketed.

So why the “bonus” room and not the bedroom? For one, bedrooms have specific requirements. Depending on local regulations, a legal bedroom must have a closet and windows (at a minimum), and may also require specific ceiling heights and other features. Bonus rooms are supposed to be flexible spaces, so they don’t have these elements.You can do it use Bonus rooms can be added as bedrooms if desired, but cannot be listed as bedrooms when the house is sold. In fact, bonus rooms are meant to be blank slates, so they usually lack any useful features (such as office built-ins, or potential home theater in-wall sound wiring).

One of the benefits of bonus rooms is that you can do anything. Need a home office? home theater? hobby room? library? Bonus rooms can be reconfigured and used differently by every new person buying a home. Tend to reduce potential sales valuethat’s a good thing.

Can the bonus room be converted into a bedroom?

You might want to turn your bonus room into a legal bedroom — you can add a bedroom significantly increase the value of your home, in the end. However, there are a few things to consider before doing this.

  • Bonus room usually Does not count as a room at all for tax purposesReal estate is important, but it doesn’t increase the number of rooms available. As a result, taxes are lower. Converting to a bedroom will affect your tax liability.
  • Turning a bonus room into a legitimate bedroom can be a pretty big project, especially if the ceiling is too low and needs to be raised. Please exercise caution before deciding to
  • Flexibility is lost when it comes to full bedrooms. Your bonus room can be anything: a study, an office, an informal but completely cluttered bedroom, but a bedroom is always and forever a bedroom.

So bonus rooms are exactly what they are. It’s an extra room you don’t need, but you certainly might, and you can use it wherever you like.

The difference between a bonus room and a bedroom (and its importance)

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