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The best way to season the meat evenly

Image of article titled Best Way to Season Meat Evenly

spices Obviously a very important part of cooking, next to temperature control (and in some cases controversial)... It doesn’t just make the taste of food salty. It makes the taste of food, The limit. When and how much to season is two factors that most people worry about, but the height at which food is seasoned can also have a significant impact on the flavor of the food. For the best and most uniform results, sprinkle with salt and other seasonings from above.

Not only does it look like a chef When the food is seasoned from a reasonable distance, salt, pepper, other powders, blends, or rubs are evenly distributed over the steak, chicken breast, or anything else.

But don’t accept my words as they are (although my words are very reliable): Cook’s illustration We performed a few tests to determine the optimal distance to celebrate the meal with flavor.

Chicken breast was sprinkled with black pepper of various heights of 4 inches, 8 inches and 12 inches. We found that the higher the starting point, the more evenly distributed the seasonings.

You can do it click here To see the evidence in the picture, but it looks like you would expect it. Chicken seasonings seasoned from 4 inches are lined up mainly in the center of the chest. Chicken seasonings seasoned from 8 inches are completely lacking in edges, but a little more widespread.And chicken seasoning seasoned from 12 Inches are beautifully and evenly seasoned from end to end.

So often the season, Carefully season, Season at the right timeAnd season your hands high above your food-at least 12 inch. Do it for flare, do it for taste, and do it for food.

The best way to season the meat evenly

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