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The best social media alternative to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok

Image of the article titled Most Terrible Social Media Sites for those who want to reduce misery

Photo: Chernousov family ((((Shutterstock).

Most people Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, And Reddit are terrible, each in their own way. BThese monolithic social media platforms are so popular that it’s easy to forget. Have Use them. This doesn’t mean you have to curse social media forever: TI don’t dislike it here Alternative to Still you can participate in online life.

These small, wasteful social media platforms aim to fix the worst mistakes siblings make or to provide a niche experience that large social media companies can’t / can’t. Below are alternatives to the five most popular social media platforms.None of them It’s perfect, but at least it makes a difference, and it’s probably not that bad. Moreover, if any of them are really in fashion, you can first complain about how they were previously very good.

Abandon Facebook for MeWe: Free from Advertising and Tracking

There are many reasons to participate Fleeing crowd Facebook— That terrifying Targeted advertising policy, Misinformation that is rampant, People use it to plan genocide Your cousin Gary— And the only reason to stay: pure Number of users. Everyone It’s on Facebook, and maybe it’s a problem.

The Facebook alternative I proposed, MeWeProvides many features that Facebook users are familiar with (groups, private chat, tagging, content permissions), Look and feel like Facebook, but WeMe isn’t too evil..It’s a completely free ad and doesn’t track or sell its users It is floating by providing data and paid premium services. Disadvantages: WeMe is reported to have 16 million users, which may sound like a lot, but it has fewer buckets than Facebook’s nearly three. a billion user.

Switch from Twitter to WT.Social: News with less false alarms and less hysteria

I had Twitter account after 2010, But I can’t do it anymore. I just want links to funny news articles and occasional cute cat pictures, but Twitter seems to be intended to provide annoying and toxic nonsense. This site is full of hysteria, misinformation, manipulation and bitterness.If you’re tired of it like me, check it out WT.Social..

Launched in 2019 by Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales, WT.social is completely ad-free. Also, like certain well-known online encyclopedias, we are dedicated to fighting false information by allowing users to flag and edit posts. No soothing advertisers, Since the service is paid by voluntary donations, WT.social’s mission is to “promote an environment that eliminates malicious individuals for the sake of being right, not for the sudden impact on revenue.” increase.

Switch from Instagram to 500px: Better Photos, Less Psychological Trauma

Instagram has long been known to have a devastating impact on mental health Of young people.Photo sharing platform is associated with Depression, self-esteem issues, social anxiety, and other issues.. It is run by the same people who run Facebook and seems to be enthusiastic about making the social media experience as addictive as possible.If you are a photographer And you don’t want to support either You need to switch to just to show off your photos 500px.

The platform philosophy is built around high quality photos so you can view and post your photos in high resolution. ThThe algorithm for determining which photo is widely shared is Number of followers About “likes” from people please do not Follow you.There is flat Opportunity to Monetize your work.

500px is aimed at photographers, look With a pretty photo, it May be a service for you too. Unlike Instagram’s photo, ad, and video combinations, 500px feeds contain only photos, not photos. Based on a Zuckerberg-style algorithm Only what you want to see is displayed.

Switch from TikTok to something

TikTok is an almost universal choice Avid young man Watch and share a short video. TikTok is huge at the moment and there are no realistic challengers (other than old-fashioned YouTube), Not on the horizon —But that doesn’t mean there isn’t Any Alternative proposal. There are several video sharing apps that offer what TikTok doesn’t offer.

  • Triller.. This app makes the already simple process of posting videos online even easier. Triller uses AI to edit the video to preselected music.
  • Clapper.. If you’re worried that your important political views may have been censored by TikTok, this reasonably light platform can spit out any ridiculous nonsense you want.
  • collision.. Created by one of Vine’s co-founders, Clash focuses on short videos and isn’t designed as a challenger to TikTok like a sidecar. This is an exciting new way for creators with existing followers.But that also means that users can more easily interact with their favorites...

Switch from Reddit to Discourse: Reduce stupidity and increase wisdom

Believe it or not now, the years since Reddit was released in 2005 have been a discussion forum for smart people.united nationsForby the way, Disgust for popularity, curation and moderation Leading to content dumbing down and a surge of hatred and boring users.. For a smaller, more focused discussion-based community, try Discourse. The goal of this open source forum platform is to raise the bar for civilized discourse on i.You can build the Internet by seeding better discussion software. In reality, this means that trusted and frequent users have a say in how to manage the community.this is Easy to flag Bad content; And exist Robust and User-customizable curation. Moreover, it hasn’t been ruined because few people use it …yet.

The best social media alternative to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and TikTok

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